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Why Does Nobody Hate the Chinese Japanese and Jewish?

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eh? Proaly ecause most people aren't judgmental that's why, If you're from Glasgow would you expect other people to automatically presume you're a drunken drug addict who's knifed a few people?
Well according to you yes.


So on the sheffield racism thing. According to you everybody knows I must be racist because of where i'm from but nobody has challenged me about it because they aren't judgemental.


So if I move out of sheffield do I stop being racist and become non-judgemental like everyone else?

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Just wondered as Sheffield is very well know for eing one the most racist cities, none of the racists you often come across here seem to hate the Chinese, Japanese or the Jewish? They all seem to hate Somalians, Pakistanis, Afro-Carieans, and Jamaicans.


Its about who they are!!


and ive never heard any bad words said about 1,3 and 4 for a long time.

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And when did a Pakistani, Somalian, or African Carribbean last **** you off andrewchase?

If an individual from one of these groups has been rude or unpleasant recently did you put it down to human nature or did you decide ther behaviour reflected the group as a whole?

I think we all know that in the case of several ethnic groups, their attitudes do reflect the group as a whole, and the upstanding good citizens are a minority.
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And when did a Pakistani, Somalian, or African Carribbean last **** you off andrewchase?

If an individual from one of these groups has been rude or unpleasant recently did you put it down to human nature or did you decide ther behaviour reflected the group as a whole?


Yesterday (and it was a somalian). But that isn't relevant.


Why do these groups of people get a bad press? In the case of Pakistanis, a total refusal to integrate and a minority tendancy to explode combined with a very significant minority to approve when they explode.


Our Chinese immigrants don't explode. Our Jewish immigrants don;t explode. Our Japaese immigrants dont explode.


As for somalians. Why the hell are they here? They don't speak English, snaggle their women up in bags and poke and prod at the fruit and veg in Tescos like they're buying from an arab market trader whose trying to sell them rotten goods. Do any of them have jobs, indeed given their total lack of interest in English norms could any of them have jobs? They may all be super people underneath the black sacks and jim-jams but they are clearly not appropriate for Sheffield and would find themselves more culturally suited to somewhere like, Somalia.

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Yesterday (and it was a somalian). But that isn't relevant.


Why do these groups of people get a bad press? In the case of Pakistanis, a total refusal to integrate and a minority tendancy to explode combined with a very significant minority to approve when they explode.


Our Chinese immigrants don't explode. Our Jewish immigrants don;t explode. Our Japaese immigrants dont explode.


As for somalians. Why the hell are they here? They don't speak English, snaggle their women up in bags and poke and prod at the fruit and veg in Tescos like they're buying from an arab market trader whose trying to sell them rotten goods. Do any of them have jobs, indeed given their total lack of interest in English norms could any of them have jobs? They may all be super people underneath the black sacks and jim-jams but they are clearly not appropriate for Sheffield and would find themselves more culturally suited to somewhere like, Somalia.



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Very very well put that man!!!


Thats the baring question, why the hell are any different races here if they cant be British. Here's me thinking the idea of them coming here was to start a new life, yet they still bring their ideas and religions, and language here! Its about time a few more started telling them, THIS IS BRITAIN! LOVE IT OR GO HOME! YOU DONT HAVE TO LIVE HERE......... We should think a bit more like the Austrians!

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I am reminded of an old Ronnie Corbet joke.


A Chinaman and a Jew are sat in a bar and the Jew suddenly throws a drink over the Chinaman -

"that's for Pearl Harbour" he says.

The Chinaman is indignant and says, "that was the Japaneese".

The Jew replies "Chineese, Japaneese - what's the difference"?



A while later the Chinaman throws a drink over the Jew and says "that's for The Titanic".

This time the Jew is indignant - "that was an iceberg" he say.

"Iceberg, Goldberg what's the difference", replies the Chinaman.




or, here's another,


Have you heard about that new Jewish sushi bar - it's called so-sue-me.:hihi:

If I was 7 again and kids said this to me, I would be pretty upset. Now that I'm into my adulthood, and reading such jokes, I still don't find it particularly funny. Is it relevant, and should I continue its relevancies by going on about the history?


Q: "Why does nobody hate the Chinese, Japanese, and Jewish?"

A: Maybe unless you are the person being prejudged against, others may not shout out about it.


1st generations may be dumb, and shy away from troubles. 2nd generations may still be confused over their identities...3rd generation would stand up for themselves and not take any more crap. Depends on who you speak to, many feel that they have a right to stand up for themselves, and rightly so. I was talking to an Asian taxi driver in Brum recently, and he told me the number of fights that people used to look for, in Birmingham is incredible... I can now understand why there exists a Racial Discrmination Act to stop such history from happening. It isn't as strongly relevant in today's society... but back then, it was its sole reason for its introduction. Nowadays, many chooses to play reverse racism, and positive discrimination. It madness.


It boils down to rudeness and insensitivities... If others pay respect to you for your race, culture, and creed. Then why can you not extend the same?


I think, at the end of the day, it is all about the "politics". I personally think that in any given country, or depressed areas, people will fight for the same resources, and squabble amongst themselves.

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  • 5 weeks later...
And yet, much American policy is dictated by the Moral Majority of the mid-west, large numbers of which (I've met a few) despise and detest Jewry in its entirety.


Odd, that. Maybe it's because they'd rather see Israel in the hands of Jews than in the hands of Muslims, which would be (in their eyes) even worse. I don't know.


Don't they fund the whole of America AND it's war efforts? Why do you think the US sat back when Israel evilly invaded those poor Palestinians???

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because the chinese, japanese and jewish all seem to want to work and support themselves and their families. unlike the others mentioned who claim benefits that strangle the country. fraud benefits, fiddle where they can to get everything.




Is that so?


I didn't know you knew every chinese and jewish person.


I'm sure the taxi drivers, take away owners, corner shop owners etc are all chinese, jewish and japanese.

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Just wondered as Sheffield is very well know for eing one the most racist cities, none of the racists you often come across here seem to hate the Chinese, Japanese or the Jewish? They all seem to hate Somalians, Pakistanis, Afro-Carieans, and Jamaicans.

If you think nobody hates Jews, look at the responses to this thread: http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?p=2846158&posted=1

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