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car lovers are anti bus because the council bends over backwards to make life as easy as poss for buses at the same time as making it as difficult as possible for cars.


You use of the word 'because' in your post confuses me. You seem to have used it to connect two completely unrelated statements.

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You are an agressive little little thing aren't you, I wager that you wouldn't dare say boo to a goose without the protection of your monitor.
I've stood up to and confronted many an agressive bully in real life, actually. You like to guess wrongly it seems.


Now please answer my completely and utterly moronic question, other than for work purposes and long journeys you say that you never use your car for say, recycling or shopping, is that really true ?
I can walk to the shops quicker than I can drive, so why would I use car? I also like cycling for the same reason, as around town it's quicker.


And to be even more moronic, if cars are so bad and you dislike them so much why did you get a job that requires you to drive one? Is it perhaps an invisible care that omits no carbon footprint when you drive it, or are you simply a hypocrite? You can't have it every way to suit you.
Even more stupid assumptions. I do not dislike cars, I dislike people who use them unnecessarily or drive inconsiderately. There's a big difference.
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Whoa, hang on, I'm not exactly Inspector Morse, but I think I've spotted a flaw in your argument..........and I quote.......I have a car for work usage and it's used for no other reason other for very occasional long journeys, when I don't use the train.........


Can I assume the reason people use their cars is because public transport is so poor?

No flaw in what I said. I use the car sometimes and sometimes I use the train for long journeys. Not that I use car and don't use train.

I like using the train as I can sit and read/work/sleep on route to say London, sometimes train is more convienient and cheaper. Depends on journey.

I had to go to Stockport the other day, the options were sit in rush hour traffic on way there and on way back or read paper on train. I decided to catch up on current affairs.

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are you for real ,since when has driving a car been the same as being murdered . get real .
Duh! It's not. It was an analogy. :loopy:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Analogy So you can learn to recognize the concept on other occasions.


Some people will go to extreme lengths to try and get their point across, just means that they do not have the brain power to have a reasonable debate
And another :loopy: person who cannot read/recognize an an analogy either.

Funny how you blame me for your own inability to parse and understand basic English.


too right . according to him ,cause i drive im no better than a murderer:loopy::loopy:
And if you don't feel confident that people are unaware of your poor reading skills, repeat your misunderstanding until there's no doubt.
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i dont really care for global warming ,as many many people dont , and i dont like being constantly told by the green police that im single handedly destroying the planet. it goes in one ear and out the other. i will never give up my car . thats not being selfish -0its called freedom of choice!!
Yes, freedom of choice to be selfish.
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Which equates to a £169,497 profit.


Which means the permits (£100,293) could have been issued free of charge, and a profit would have still been possible.


Yet you try and say it's not about making money for the council?


What a load of trash!


I admire Planner1 for coming here to defend the actions of the council. He does it in such a way that you'd expect, avoiding the points in hand and saying he personally was not responsible or aware of the specifics of a case. Look at our Government last week on the arrest of an MP they lie and lie and lie. You will never get the truth.


There's adverts on the box for Knock off Nigels, this lot in my mind are no better the difference being they are above the law.

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Ironic you use these phrases...


I think you are misusing thses metaphors.


In the 1500s, most of the world believed that the world was flat, and therefore it was heresy to suggest otherwise, and yet, now you use the arguement that as 90% of the world[']s scientists support the theory, it must be true.


At the moment, it is just that... a theory.


Hindsight will prove who was right.

What is actually ironic is the fact you use a myth to bolster your argument.

People believing the Earth was flat in the 1500s is as big a myth as Victorians covering chair legs for modesty and Captain Pugwash having characters with rude names.



Not to mention that comparing the entire population which consists of mostly uneducated and illiterate people with experienced + learned scientists is a terrible analogy as it simply isn't analogous.

Plus a theory supported by evidence tends to be considered a fact and no longer just a theory.

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Not sure on the "stick it to the man" idea, would be fairly self-defeatist, but I guess some people are just that and I kind of get it.

I see your point with speed-bumps. I do exactly the same on roads that are needlessly speed-bumped. They're a hassle for all rather than any particular way of addressing the inappropriate driving behaviours of a few.


It's a bit presumptious of you to say "needlessly speedbumped". Nowhere is "needlessly" traffic calmed. It's only usually done in areas which have a poor accident record. You may not like traffic calming, but it is proven to reduce casualties.

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They're not needed for those that drive carefully and properly. I can see they help with accident stats and that they're one of the most cost-effective methods of doing so. But they do inconvenience everybody when it's a tiny minority that have/cause accidents. Trouble is I can't really think of a better, more cost-effective way of local government to tackle it. Plenty that central government and Police should do though!

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