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Sharrowvale Parking Scheme - new thread

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Perfectly legal, they're just saying you can't have a permit to park in this area. Residents will be aware of this BEFORE they move in. Most developments where this is applied have very limited parking and are designed to appeal to people who have no car.
Other than it is outrageous that the Council refuses parking to people living on a particular street, it is daft to build that block of flats without parking under it.
No, it's not just residents. Businesses can have them, as can visitors.
Businesses are residents of a street as are people who live on one. Visitors should not require a permit... Neither should residents :P Anyway, your point is?
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Perfectly legal, they're just saying you can't have a permit to park in this area. Residents will be aware of this BEFORE they move in. Most developments where this is applied have very limited parking and are designed to appeal to people who have no car.


If the area is residents parking, then i would LOVE to know what laws are being broken here, as you are effectivly saying to people, yes you can live her, but sorry, you can't own a car, and im sure thats a breach of your human rights

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If the area is residents parking, then i would LOVE to know what laws are being broken here, as you are effectivly saying to people, yes you can live her, but sorry, you can't own a car, and im sure thats a breach of your human rights

They're saying nothing of the sort. A bit over the top - "human rights"? Are you OK?

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Where's that pro-choice you mentionned the other day gone. You're now saying that the Council is telling that person that the house residents can simply not have a car and have to use buses.

This is a planning condition which is usually applied to a development which is (or wil be) within a permit parking area adn is in a location which is very accessible by public transport and other sustainable modes.


So, what the Council is saying is that there is already too much pressure on parking in this area and it just won't take more cars. Therefore, Mr Developer, any development you bring forward has to be based around the residents adopting sustainable travel modes. Therefore no parking is warranted or could be allowed.

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WRONG, i live in the sharrowvale parking tax area, and i didn't know about it till AFTER i moved in, and then i needed proof that i lived there before they would allow me to be robbed :loopy:
I'd not move anywhere I hadn't checked that kind of thing out for.
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If the area is residents parking, then i would LOVE to know what laws are being broken here, as you are effectivly saying to people, yes you can live her, but sorry, you can't own a car, and im sure thats a breach of your human rights


No-one is saying they can't own a car, they just can't park it in the permit zone. Having a parking space isn't a basic human right.


This is something which is conditioned on a NEW development, so owners / tennants know the conditions very well before taking the property.


Many apartment developments in or around the city centre don't have sufficient parking spaces for all residents. Many such residents don't need or want to own a car.

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WRONG, i live in the sharrowvale parking tax area, and i didn't know about it till AFTER i moved in, and then i needed proof that i lived there before they would allow me to be robbed :loopy:


We're discussing NEW developments which have planning conditions that they can't have a parking permit. That is NOT the same as moving into an area without doing the correct reserch.

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Other than it is outrageous that the Council refuses parking to people living on a particular street, it is daft to build that block of flats without parking under it.


Flats aren't always new build, sometimes they are conversions, above shops etc.


Building underground car parks is rather expensive and unless it is a high value site, developers will not want to build extensive basements.

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