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Sharrowvale Parking Scheme - new thread

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You missing the point, of you only live 1 mile from town, why do you need a car ??? surely it would be easier to walk.
And people who live there probably do walk to town, it's the commuters from further away that park in Sharrowvale that made parking an issue. Duh!

I never drive into town, I walk or bike. However if I'm going to say Birmingham, then a car may be a better option. My OH has to drive 30miles to work, do you suggest she walks as well?

Yes I do work for the council, and no I'm not out of touch.
So why post such daft nonsense, which indicates that you are bit clueless about what is going on?
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Capt Scarlet


You missing the point, of you only live 1 mile from town, why do you need a car ??? surely it would be easier to walk.


Yes I do work for the council, and no I'm not out of touch.


A Car has 4 seats, yet most cars are occupied by one person. Perhaps if the people of Sharrowvale did a bit of car sharing ( ie 4 people in a car) with their neighbours then there would be no need to punish the residents.


Oh dear you're a bit clueless aren't you.


Ever tried taking a large shopping trip onto a bus. Oh look no storage space.


Car sharing only works if people work at the same place as you and leave and start at the same time.


Would you really want to share or pick up a stranger I wouldn't??


Of course the best solution would be to make transport cheaper and more reliable.

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Capt Scarlet


You missing the point, of you only live 1 mile from town, why do you need a car ??? surely it would be easier to walk.


Yes I do work for the council, and no I'm not out of touch.


A Car has 4 seats, yet most cars are occupied by one person. Perhaps if the people of Sharrowvale did a bit of car sharing ( ie 4 people in a car) with their neighbours then there would be no need to punish the residents.


green god, you are missing the point - we don't care what you think...


p.s. he/she/it is just trolling see numerous other threads

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town planning dept
lol. you're letting yourself down - that's just so transparently untrue and just designed to wind people up it's not going to believed.

try and keep your trolling credible and you'll reel more in. at the moment you come across as a silly litle boy.

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Capt Scarlet


You missing the point, of you only live 1 mile from town, why do you need a car ??? surely it would be easier to walk.

that's why you're missing the point. People who live a mile from town don't all work in Sheffield. I could live on the Moor (hypothetically) and work in Bakewell. I'd be using a car off course.
Yes I do work for the council, and no I'm not out of touch.
You clearly are, we don;t all live withing a hundred yards of our work place or afford to live where we would want to. I live within two miles of town centre, I use my car because I do not work in city centre, I do not work in Sheffield, I work out of town where public transport is: non-existent, expensive (cross counties) and/or too slow.
And people who live there probably do walk to town, it's the commuters from further away that park in Sharrowvale that made parking an issue. Duh!

I never drive into town, I walk or bike. However if I'm going to say Birmingham, then a car may be a better option.

my OH uses the bus to town, if we both go we'll use the car; 2 quid in petrol beats 2 x £4.5 in day savers and we have a boot to put our shopping (coz we don't go somewhere for fun we participate in the city's economy by buying local).
My OH has to drive 30miles to work, do you suggest she walks as well?
I can imagine the look on my boss' face if I did that, Greengod would love seeing me pedal for thirty six miles to the office (not going to happen).


I'm glad you don't seem to have more followers, proves people find these solutions unsatisfactory and insufficient.

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  • 11 months later...

I am really pleased to see that we can now park near the shops on Sharrowvale for 15 minutes for free. This gives me time to nip in to the bank, or get something from the shops without having to worry if I have enough change for the meter.


I am glad that the local shops and local people are being listened to.

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