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Sharrowvale Parking Scheme - new thread

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That's the major flaw in this poorly thought out plan. There is no good, tempting alternative.

They should have spent the time and effort into getting the council back in control of transport and reverting to the very successful and effective system, which reduced congestion and polution and from which everyone benefited even the car drivers.

Saying that'll never happen is a self fulfilling prophecy.


The Council, the PTE and everyone concerned with local transport has been lobbying the Government to change the way public transport is delivered to something more like the London model. Not much luck so far, so the Council has to deal with the situation as it is.

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What the Council should have done was impose a maximum wait period and no return within 2 hours in the areas where commuter parking is a problem.


But sadly the council (and actually I aim this directly at Planner 1 who seems absurdly proud of the scheme he dreamt up and implemented) seem totally lacking in common sense and logical thought ... this is absolutely the solution to commuter parking, but my head is starting to hurt from banging it against the brick wall.

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I'm not a dupe.


Our residents would have been very happy with no scheme at all but as it was coming anyway we asked to be included rather than be left out, as we didn't want an unrestricted, parking free-for all following car displacement from other roads


The council wanted it for their own reasons. You supported it, in effect. Either you wanted the consequences and were happy to dump on other people for your own benefit, or you didn't and were dupes. You can choose which cap fits.


If you had spent the time you've been whinging on here making representation to the council you may have less to complain about now.




Yeah, right! Like the council would have treated my objection any differently to all the others they received.


In order to make a difference I'd have had (if I had actually been aware of what was coming) to do what someone in the Hunter House Rd area did and vigorously campaign to be excluded from the scheme. And even then we'd have been left, like the Hunter House Rd bunch, with all the overflow parking dumped on us by the council, as they help you solve your own problems with the nature of the area you chose to live in. (Though, of course, the council didn't do it to make your lives better - they have their own agendas)

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What I can't understand is, why do people think its their right to park outside their own homes?


Of course, people don't have the moral right to park outside their own homes. And nor do they have the moral right to impose residents parking schemes on other people in order to try to secure a space outside their own homes.


What people do (or ought to) have is the moral right not to have this kind of change imposed on their own homes in quiet residential side streets by government force, without damned good reasons. And the desire of a few people who've moved into nice centrally located homes in Sharrow Vale and then want to make their situation better by stopping others from parking there, doesn't cut it as a good enough reason to screw other people over.


Nor does the council's ideological hatred of car use or desire for more taxes and bigger employee rolls.


Not that it is really any surprise that a bus driver would be in favour of attempts to force people to use public transport and thereby make his own job more secure, of course.

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It's all part of the effort to get people to consider their transport options.




Ahh, so it's not only about commuters...


But hold on, by forcing people to use their cars (i.e. the residents who have 2 or more cars to the household) aren't they putting more traffic on the streets...




The truth of the levels of incompetence of the council starts to reveal itself...

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It's very unfair to compare Sheffield Council to TfL. TfL are very well resourced and, in terms of the congestion charge, have a political leader who had been mandated to impose it.
You mean they had someone with the convition to go the whole hog and not do things piecemeal. I admire Livingstone to do something like the CC, not because I agree with it, but because he went ahead knowing that it could also end his political career.



Well resorced! TFL may have more money, but they also tend to need even more than they have, just like you.


"Public Finance, October 8 2004


The sharp rises on some fares announced recently for London Transport come as no surprise. The finances of Transport for London have looked distinctly parlous for some time, and even a relatively generous settlement in the Chancellor's July spending review was not enough to prevent above inflation fares rises."


Things have improved since then, no doubt due to the Congestion Charge revenue.

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The Council, the PTE and everyone concerned with local transport has been lobbying the Government to change the way public transport is delivered to something more like the London model. Not much luck so far, so the Council has to deal with the situation as it is.

How about more like the old Sheffield Model, much better than TFL's.

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But sadly the council (and actually I aim this directly at Planner 1 who seems absurdly proud of the scheme he dreamt up and implemented) seem totally lacking in common sense and logical thought ... this is absolutely the solution to commuter parking, but my head is starting to hurt from banging it against the brick wall.

I don't think that you are aware of the nature of Council schemes. One person doesn't dream them up and implement them. I was the client officer, effectively the project manager. I didn't invent the concept. Many different people have an input into different aspects of these schemes.

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