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Sharrowvale Parking Scheme - new thread

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It would be nice, but I'm told the levels of subsidy required would be far too great. Those days are gone and aren't coming back.

If it's been done before it can be done again. The main thing stopping is is the apathetic belief that 'it'll never happen'.

If there's someone with enough political nous and skill decides to do it. Then it will be done. Preferably by the national goverment, so it's not just Sheffield. The country's whole public transport system needs to be integrated far better than the pathetic mess now present. If done right it'll probabably save the country money too and we will all be better off.

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I don't think that you are aware of the nature of Council schemes. One person doesn't dream them up and implement them. I was the client officer, effectively the project manager. I didn't invent the concept. Many different people have an input into different aspects of these schemes.


you are right planner 1, I am not conversant with council policies, but you are able to duck and dive better than any boxer who has ever entered the ring. Certainly in the previous thread (the deleted one) you left me with the impression that you are responsible for the Sharrowvale scheme.


I find your attitude at times v patronising and extremely exasperating when so many residents are voicing their concerns that the scheme that has been implemented is flawed.

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I was delivered a notice of the scheme ages ago and it had the hours of operation between Mon-Fri 8am-6:30pm. When I got the form to send off for my permit it became Mon-Sat. I may have the initial notice somewhere. I only recall because the letter I wrote made note of the fact that the hours did not cover the only time there was every a problem in my bit of the zone, i.e. when the Blades are at home. (And then only on a Satourday. The mid-week matches were never a problem for me personally).


Hate to disappoint you here but I've got my copy of the original letter the council sent to usand that def says Mon-Sat 8:00-6:30pm.

The letter was dated a rather vague and inaccurate May/June 2006 (our copy was received on or just before 14th June 06 because on 15th June 06 I emailed traffic_regs@sheffield.co.uk to share my concerns about the proposed scheme) Be interesting to know if anyone actually got their letter in May 06.


There may have been something prior to May/June 06 that was discussed in council meetings or the local press, neither of which we would have picked up on, but as far as I'm aware, this letter was the first official notification we had about the scheme.


Oh, another thing Ive just remembered, having found my letters about the subject to the council and the star - on 26th Jun 06 I wrote to the Star having just learned that residents had only until 30th June 06 to raise any formal objections to the scheme- this deadline was never mentioned in the letter dated May-June 06 and I only found out about it because a resident on Hunter Hill/House had put notes on car windscreens to draw attention to the short timescale and urge residents to respond. Sneaky, or what?


The next communication we recieved from the council was dated Sept 06.

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I have a question about permits (please forgive me if it's a silly one).


When you get a parking permit from the council does it allow you to park on your own road, or a specific set of roads, or anywhere covered by the scheme?


Thanks :)

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I have a question about permits (please forgive me if it's a silly one).


When you get a parking permit from the council does it allow you to park on your own road, or a specific set of roads, or anywhere covered by the scheme?


Thanks :)


Anywhere within the scheme.

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you are right planner 1, I am not conversant with council policies, but you are able to duck and dive better than any boxer who has ever entered the ring. Certainly in the previous thread (the deleted one) you left me with the impression that you are responsible for the Sharrowvale scheme.


I find your attitude at times v patronising and extremely exasperating when so many residents are voicing their concerns that the scheme that has been implemented is flawed.


Although I was the lead officer (more or less the project manager)for residents parking and had overall responsibility for delivering the scheme, the nature of Local Government means that many people have major influence over various parts of the process at different times, so, what the lead officer/project manager thinks should happen, isn't necessarily what happens.


No scheme you could implement would satisfy everyone, so some people will always complain.


When you consider the amount of people who live in the area, I don't think that there are "so many" people voicing concerns.

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OK thanks for your answers Planner1.


My question is now this:


Given that:

The parking problem on my road is not cause by commuters, but by displaced residents from other streets in the scheme caused by the reduction of the number of parking spaces available.




Permits allow you to park anywhere in the scheme - hence those displaced onto our road but that hold permits can still park there.




If we opted-in to the permit scheme the council will reduce the total number of parking spaces on our road by up to a third.


How would opting-in change anything?


As far as I can see, it would actually reduce the chance of us getting a parking space even more than has already happened. Am I missing something? :)

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OK thanks for your answers Planner1.


My question is now this:


Given that:

The parking problem on my road is not cause by commuters, but by displaced residents from other streets in the scheme caused by the reduction of the number of parking spaces available.




Permits allow you to park anywhere in the scheme - hence those displaced onto our road but that hold permits can still park there.




If we opted-in to the permit scheme the council will reduce the total number of parking spaces on our road by up to a third.


How would opting-in change anything?


As far as I can see, it would actually reduce the chance of us getting a parking space even more than has already happened. Am I missing something? :)


I'd guess the people now parking on your road are the ones who don't have permits. You should bear in mind that second permits could become available to residents too.


If you want to opt back in, you should all make it plain to the Council that you don't think that it is necessary to lose 10m of parking at junctions on residential side roads. They have reduced the amont of junction protection in some places, but I'd say that it is necessary for safety reasons where people are turning into a side street from a main road.

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