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Sharrowvale Parking Scheme - new thread

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OK, so the visitor passes have arrived. Can anyone help me with what happens if we go away (holiday) and the car without the residents permit is left behind - do we have to hang, say, 4 days worth of permits in the car ?


I'm more than a little worried about security of the house and especially the car if I'm advertising that I'm away as well. What do people in other areas do?


I was coming round to the fact that I'd have to use a visitor pass to park when I get home and had planned to coincide my arrival with the depature of the builder, so we could share a permit a day, but guess what ... they are not transferrable ??? How mad is that ?


That's an interesting point mc55 and quiet worrying - hadnt even considered the implications of leaving a car with multiple 'visitor' or 2nd user passes on it whilst you're away- sort of advertises the fact, doesnt it? As for having a skip-not sure- it may or may not need a pass on it - it is, after all taking up the equivalent of a parking space, isn't it? If it does count, as I understand it, you would have to put visitor passes on it for the entire time it is outside- and knowing how long it takes some skip co.s to bother to get back to retrieve the filled skip, I guess you're going to be sticking a fair old number of your precious visitor passes on it...and then what would stop anyone nicking them. Dunno- maybe some of the broomhill residents could help you one this one - Tony?

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I just thought of a way to try to help ppz and Buble Fan to overcome their apparent empathy deficiency and understand why some people might be angry about this situation.


What they need to do is try to imagine they were posting to a thread a year or so ago, trying to explain why they were so unhappy about the problems they were experiencing with daytime parking near their homes and arguing for a parking scheme. Suppose they had called for one and had been told the council would not impose one, and they knew that was because it did not fit in with the council's ideological priorities.


Then a couple of commuter parkers came on to the thread and started crowing about the refusal of the council to act, saying they'd personally lobbied the council not to act, and calling them moaning ranters for responding, and telling them they'd just have to accept the situation because there are more commuter parkers than residents.


If they were to successfully imagine how they would feel and how they would respond, and recognise that is roughly how the victims of this scheme might feel on here, they might be getting close to that appreciation of others' feelings that is so important in human society.


Strangely, this little lesson designed specifically for Buble Fan and myself to boost our empathy levels is basically exactly what happened between in 2001 to 2005 where I live.


For four years the Council had been intransigent to the problems of overstretched parking space from Cemetery Road to London Road despite the fact that the area was worse effected from actual commuter parking then many areas on the Sharrow Vale Scheme - the planning of which was already underway.


Telephone calls, letters, pieces in the local paper had no effect on the will of the Transport Planning Department.


However, once a public meeting had been organised with the local area panel inviting Chancellors and the Transport Planning Department to exchange views with residents things slowly began to change. As I pointed out in a previous post, our meeting was very well attend and the overwhelming feeling was that the Sharrow Vale Scheme be extended to London Road.


I'd like to point out that at no point did we ever feel the residents of Sharrow Vale were "attacking" us with their parking scheme, we sympathised with their plight but simply wanted the same help from the Council with our situation.


We (the residents) approached the Council / Traffic Planning Department (both of whom were reluctant to spend the additional money and delay the whole Sharrow Vale project) in a civilized, adult manner via the appropriate channels with a good deal of patience and demonstrating the will of the majority in this area of Sharrow.


The result will become live at 8am tomorrow morning.


I can only assume that you've approached the problem in your street with the same manner you demonstrate daily on this forum.

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Dear oh dear, we really are getting wound up aren't we Fletvictus?


Its just the parking of a car we're talking about here. Some of your comments really show that you are getting things out of perspective. No-one is going to shoot you if you don't get a permit and hence get a parking fine. Even if you don't pay the fine, the worst that can happen is the bailiffs take your car. How does that equate to being shot? Capital punishment was abolished decades ago as I understand it - other than for treason.


And Litotes - what's all this about machines not working - or working when they shouldn't be? The only thing I've heard is that on the first day (Monday October 1st) the "Not In Use" signs were taken off and the machines were switched on. This took part of the day to be completed. When have they been not working? And when have they been working when they shouldn't have been?





Hey bang on there buble fan, no one is going to shoot people who object.


I guess the worse thing that can happen is they get a fine, potentially followed by the bailiffs, but like you said nothing too serious.


Like you said the worse thing to happen is the bailiffs will take your car..... which is nothing really.


On a serious note, if people roll over and die on a minor thing like this, then the government will have no worrys about implementing more anti car taxes in the futures, as they know people will roll over and accept it.


Like you said the worse thing that can happen, is the lovely bailiffs poping round to take things away, a jolly lark really.


£35 for this scheme (a small price to pay some say), I wonder, when the nexct scheme pops up, how much will that cost? ( hey probably only another £35)


Do you not see whats happening here? Government are eating away at more and more of your hard earned money?

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I was coming round to the fact that I'd have to use a visitor pass to park when I get home and had planned to coincide my arrival with the depature of the builder, so we could share a permit a day, but guess what ... they are not transferrable ??? How mad is that ?


I can't see how they would know whether it had been transferred or not as don't you just scratch out the date?


Well today is D day so it'll be interesting to see what happens now and whether or not the parking situation will be ameliorated. I personally shall be policing our road anmd making regular complaints to the Council if I'm still unable to park.


Does anyone know whether or not there is a limit to the number of visitor passes you can have? We need them for my husband's car and we do have loads of people visiting and coming up for weekends.

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Hey bang on there buble fan, no one is going to shoot people who object.


I guess the worse thing that can happen is they get a fine, potentially followed by the bailiffs, but like you said nothing too serious.


Like you said the worse thing to happen is the bailiffs will take your car..... which is nothing really.


On a serious note, if people roll over and die on a minor thing like this, then the government will have no worrys about implementing more anti car taxes in the futures, as they know people will roll over and accept it.


Like you said the worse thing that can happen, is the lovely bailiffs poping round to take things away, a jolly lark really.


£35 for this scheme (a small price to pay some say), I wonder, when the nexct scheme pops up, how much will that cost? ( hey probably only another £35)


Do you not see whats happening here? Government are eating away at more and more of your hard earned money?


I think buble fan was responding to Fletvictus earlier remark about Parking Services resorting to "killing him" if he didn't pay a parking fine....


£36 (or approximately 10p per day) is actually less than the cost of the petrol I was wasting trying to find somewhere to park amongst the commuter cars surrounding my home! - not to mention the time and inconvenience.


Not only can we now park, we are also saving money along with limited natural resources.

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I can't see how they would know whether it had been transferred or not as don't you just scratch out the date?


Well today is D day so it'll be interesting to see what happens now and whether or not the parking situation will be ameliorated. I personally shall be policing our road anmd making regular complaints to the Council if I'm still unable to park.


Does anyone know whether or not there is a limit to the number of visitor passes you can have? We need them for my husband's car and we do have loads of people visiting and coming up for weekends.


You also have to add the registration number to each ticket.


The tickets are all numbered and registered to the purchaser to stop unscrupulous individuals selling them for gain - or simply using them to park a second or third car (at only 20p per day for a visitor ticket some will be tempted!), I understand this has happened before.


Obviously, if you are using twenty tickets per month.... thats probably another car on the road every working day. I guess if parking services smell a fish then no more/limited tickets can be bought through that account.. ..You could always call the number on the back of the ticket to clarify.

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I live in the Broomhill PPZ and I didn't feel the need to respond because the PPZ met my needs and the problems that we experienced in our immediate area.


The Sharrow Vale scheme may be different of course, but at least I speak from 12 months experience... I love it, wrinkles and all. ;)



Tony - one of my main concerns is the initial single permit per household policy, it's causing endless problems for us as we need 2 cars. We also do have adequate room to park both of our cars right outside our house but my husband is having to faff around with Pay & Display if he happens to be at home during the week during the restricted hours and visitor permits on Saturdays. What happened in Broomhill - did people manage to obtain 2nd permits?

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You also have to add the registration number to each ticket.


The tickets are all numbered and registered to the purchaser to stop unscrupulous individuals selling them for gain - or simply using them to park a second or third car (at only 20p per day for a visitor ticket some will be tempted!), I understand this has happened before.



Wasn't aware of that as haven't used ours yet, just shoved the book away till this week when it's to be enforced. What a pain. My husband has to park on Eccy Road on Friday as he couldn't find anywhere in our road (this has never ever happened before) so had to hop oout of bed at 8:00am on Saturday to retrieve his car and park it in our road.

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Not only can we now park, we are also saving money along with limited natural resources.


Execept for the fact that we now have to drive the car to work as we can't leave it at home any more...


D-day today and I still haven't received my visitor's passes despite having paid for them...

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