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Sharrowvale Parking Scheme - new thread

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Wasn't aware of that as haven't used ours yet, just shoved the book away till this week when it's to be enforced. What a pain. My husband has to park on Eccy Road on Friday as he couldn't find anywhere in our road (this has never ever happened before) so had to hop oout of bed at 8:00am on Saturday to retrieve his car and park it in our road.


My only major criticism of the scheme if that it is too large for a 'on size fits all' approach. The commuter parking problem where I live evaporated on October 1st, which is great for the people in this area. The solution, timings etc perfectly fitted the problem.


However, the problems people face surrounding Eccy Road do seem to come at different times due to different usage and I wonder if a more flexible timing strategy could be adopted?


I think we will have to see what happens over the next few months. Do tell the council what you think, believe it or not they are open to rational thoughts!


I hope you can find a way that suits you and your neighbours.

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Execept for the fact that we now have to drive the car to work as we can't leave it at home any more...


D-day today and I still haven't received my visitor's passes despite having paid for them...


Do you mean you now have to drive your second car to work because you can't leave it at home any more?

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Do you mean you now have to drive your second car to work because you can't leave it at home any more?


I mean that as my wife works from home, but needs her car to visit patients, I have to drive my car to work, when previously, if I wasn't visiting clients during the day, I would have left it at home.


Therefore the scheme means there is more traffic on the road, more congestion and more pollution.


If there was a vialable alternative I would use it, but there isn't, so I don't.

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QUOTE PPZ Resident:"The tickets are all numbered and registered to the purchaser to stop unscrupulous individuals selling them for gain - or simply using them to park a second or third car (at only 20p per day for a visitor ticket some will be tempted!), I understand this has happened before. "


I thought this is what Planner1 suggested be done when a 2nd Permit was not available!

Can't find the post - been removed?

I thought it questionable advice at the time.


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I mean that as my wife works from home, but needs her car to visit patients, I have to drive my car to work, when previously, if I wasn't visiting clients during the day, I would have left it at home.


Therefore the scheme means there is more traffic on the road, more congestion and more pollution.


If there was a vialable alternative I would use it, but there isn't, so I don't.


I see, that's not so simple. I was under the impression a number of bays would be available with no restrictions at all in most areas, would it be possible to leave one car in these? - I think second permits will be available at some point, though I realise that doesn't help you right now.

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QUOTE PPZ Resident:"The tickets are all numbered and registered to the purchaser to stop unscrupulous individuals selling them for gain - or simply using them to park a second or third car (at only 20p per day for a visitor ticket some will be tempted!), I understand this has happened before. "


I thought this is what Planner1 suggested be done when a 2nd Permit was not available!

Can't find the post - been removed?

I thought it questionable advice at the time.



I'm afraid I don't know what Planner1 said. But I don't think thats the point of visitor permits.

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I see, that's not so simple. I was under the impression a number of bays would be available with no restrictions at all in most areas, would it be possible to leave one car in these? - I think second permits will be available at some point, though I realise that doesn't help you right now.


When I complained to the Council about the single permit per household policy and asked them what on earth my husband was supposed to do with his car, we were advised to use the unrestricted parking areas - of which there are none in our road or the 2 adjacent ones and obviously not any on Eccy Road. It was at this juncture that we were advised to use the visitor permits.


In fact we've had more problems parking than we ever did pre PPZ, am hoping now that it is officially operational we're able to park in our road - we have 1 pay & display area at the bottom of it and the bays outside the houses are strictly for permit holders only.

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I see, that's not so simple. I was under the impression a number of bays would be available with no restrictions at all in most areas, would it be possible to leave one car in these? - I think second permits will be available at some point, though I realise that doesn't help you right now.


On my particular street there are no 'free' bays and no pay and display.

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The tickets are all numbered and registered to the purchaser to stop unscrupulous individuals selling them for gain - or simply using them to park a second or third car (at only 20p per day for a visitor ticket some will be tempted!), I understand this has happened before.
Well seeing as Planner1's idiotic solution to houses having two cars was to use visitor permits on the second car....

And as someone mentioned above, it simply advertises your house is empty when you're away too.

All told, no second car permits being issued is simply cretinous. Especially as there are a lot of empty spaces on my road, 20 spaces in about 100m one night last week at 1am - I counted then when walking home, as that's when most residents should be home and no commuters around.


Obviously, if you are using twenty tickets per month.... thats probably another car on the road every working day. I guess if parking services smell a fish then no more/limited tickets can be bought through that account.. ..You could always call the number on the back of the ticket to clarify.
So if you have two cars you have to sell one of them?

The problem with the sheme is not that there is a scheme but it was mis-sold and we were conned into a revenue raising scheme, disguised as prevented commuter parking. No second car, no parking on saturdays or until 6.30pm during week [which is simply spiteful] is nothring to do with preventing commuters, as just one hour being permits only in middle of day would stop that.

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All told, no second car permits being issued is simply cretinous. So if you have two cars you have to sell one of them?


The problem with the sheme is not that there is a scheme but it was mis-sold and we were conned into a revenue raising scheme, disguised as prevented commuter parking. No second car, no parking on saturdays or until 6.30pm during week [which is simply spiteful] is nothring to do with preventing commuters, as just one hour being permits only in middle of day would stop that.


I couldn't agree more, when the consultation was first carried out there ws no mention of restricted number of permits per household otherwise I would have most certainly objected. As I mentioned there is more than adequate room for us to park both of our cars right outside our side of the house only. How many families these days have only car? We couldn't manage with only 1.

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