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Sharrowvale Parking Scheme - new thread

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I couldn't agree more, when the consultation was first carried out there ws no mention of restricted number of permits per household otherwise I would have most certainly objected. As I mentioned there is more than adequate room for us to park both of our cars right outside our side of the house only. How many families these days have only car? We couldn't manage with only 1.


The Council report on the consultation outcomes quotes over 40 people objecting about the unavailability of second permits, so this was well known at the time. It was certainly discused at all the public / community group meetings I attended.


I think you'd be surprised how many families don't have access to a car at all, let alone 2.

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I think you'd be surprised how many families don't have access to a car at all, let alone 2.

As so few people have one car let alone two, then giving a permit to those who do have two, shouldn't be a problem then, should it. Especially as there is more space than cars on street outside my house.

Having two cars is not necessarily a flash thing either, but usually a necessity for two people to get to work places when public transport is simply not up to the task.

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The Council report on the consultation outcomes quotes over 40 people objecting about the unavailability of second permits, so this was well known at the time. It was certainly discused at all the public / community group meetings I attended.



And the council's answer was??????


You might be able to get one - don't know when though.

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As so few people have one car let alone two, then giving a permit to those who do have two, shouldn't be a problem then, should it. Especially as there is more space than cars on street outside my house.

Having two cars is not necessarily a flash thing either, but usually a necessity for two people to get to work places when public transport is simply not up to the task.



I agree, I don't think having 2 cars is necessarily 'a flash thing either' - we do so out of necessity. My husband works out of Sheffield on an inducstrial estate which is totally inaccessible via public transport. He also travels an awful lot with his job and I need the 2nd car for running the kids to and from their numerous activities and collecting them from friends' houses etc. They're at Hunter's Bar, which is a very diverse school and the majority of parents there who I know of have 2 cars. Furthermore, the point I made earlier is that we do also have more than enough room for both of our cars right outside our half of the house (we live in a semi but have no off street parking) - so what is the problem in us having 2 permits therefore?


When we lived in London, however, we managed perfectly well with one cos the public transport system is so much better and there's direct access to so many more more places. I think the buses here stink - I said on another thread that I can get any 80 bus to work which I pick up from Hunters Bar roundabout - during rush hour both going to and from work I have to wait up to 15 for any one of the 80s which I think is ridiculous. No wonder people drive.

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D-day? not sure. only about 5 cars out of at least 25 in my street had a permit displayed. haven't been home all day but when i have there were no traffic wardens to be seen. cars without permits did not get a warning or a fine. and for some reason it has been harder to park my car over the last few weeks. i think some people without permits may be parking their cars in my street anyway since it's a pretty quiet street, no shops etc so traffic wardens might not drop by at all. and the point of the scheme is?

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I agree, I don't think having 2 cars is necessarily 'a flash thing either' - we do so out of necessity. My husband works out of Sheffield on an inducstrial estate which is totally inaccessible via public transport. He also travels an awful lot with his job and I need the 2nd car for running the kids to and from their numerous activities and collecting them from friends' houses etc.


I agree totally.


Right in the city centre one per household would be necessary but at the periphery the problem was mainly non-residents parking in a street.


It seems strangely, old fashioned thinking to treat couples living in the same house as one unit and not people who might have independent needs regarding transport.

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