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Sharrowvale Parking Scheme - new thread

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D-day? not sure. only about 5 cars out of at least 25 in my street had a permit displayed. haven't been home all day but when i have there were no traffic wardens to be seen. cars without permits did not get a warning or a fine. and for some reason it has been harder to park my car over the last few weeks. i think some people without permits may be parking their cars in my street anyway since it's a pretty quiet street, no shops etc so traffic wardens might not drop by at all. and the point of the scheme is?


Following the false start two days before the scheme should of begun a couple of weeks ago (and the subsequent who-ha in the papers) I suspect the wardens are taking things a little more slowly this time. While they will never walk every street every day, I'm certain their presence will be felt on your street sooner or later!


I'm not really certain if they are now going to be issuing warnings or actual tickets for the next few days - maybe someone could clarify...

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I agree totally.


Right in the city centre one per household would be necessary but at the periphery the problem was mainly non-residents parking in a street.


It seems strangely, old fashioned thinking to treat couples living in the same house as one unit and not people who might have independent needs regarding transport.


Can you clarify this. Are you saying couples living near the city centre are different in some way from those living on the periphery of the scheme?


Or are you saying that if you live in the city centre then you obviously work there and don't need a second car?


Or are you simply saying it's a question of space and space is at more of a premium the closer to the centre you get?


Space (or lack of it) is at the route of the entire problem. We have a finite space in which to park our cars. If the width of your house is the same (approximately) as your car and you multiply that by the number of houses in the row then you know how many cars can be fairly parked on your street by residents.


I'm not suggesting this is the same on all streets - but the majority. The majority of properties can only accommodate one vehicle outside on the road so I would suspect that is the starting point for the councils decision on how many tickets to issue.


As it has been explained to me, the streets will be monitored and in areas where take up of permits is lower than the capacity of the street more permits will become available on a street by street basis. It seems logical and fair that we all have the option of parking at least one car near each home, surely?


It only seems unfair at this moment in time to people with more than one car. It must be frustrating but this is a big change for the area and there has to be a starting point to work from. It can't simply be a different rule to suit each residents needs.


I can only suggest, if you want my suggestion, that people get their second permit applications in a.s.a.p as they will obviously be on a first come, first served basis and then simply try to be flexible in dealing with the problem of your second car in the meantime.

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Second permit applications had to be requested with the original permit.

Not received a second application form yet, so impossible to apply for one.

It's apply by post only BTW.


i thought the two applications came together along with the application for visitor permits, have to confess it didn't really register as we only have one car.

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I say, one has to say.


Why does one need more than one car per house hold? seems rather bizarre to me.


Also, we need to remind all the moaners that, a democratic process did take place. A vote was cast, we noted the results and then implemented it any way.


Its called democracy.

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Why does one need more than one car per house hold? seems rather bizarre to me.


Also, we need to remind all the moaners that, a democratic process did take place. A vote was cast, we noted the results and then implemented it any way.


Its called democracy.


What is bizarre about having two cars ? I commute quite some distance to my job. Public transport doesn't suffice for me I'm afraid. My OH also requires a car, although uses trains and other forms of PT where ever possible. Sadly we can't car share - of course, I could resign and then expect the state to support me - but lets face it, its unlikely to happen.


Please quit with the 'moaners' line - it is very offensive. We are residents in the scheme, who were in residence at the time of the planning and did object to the scheme, but here we are in the same bucket as everyone else.

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The width of our house is more than enough for us to park both of our cars right outside it. Also everyone else on our stretch of road only has 1 car and 1 couple doesn't have one at all so we have calculated that there are more than enough spaces for us to have a 2nd permit.


We ticked a box to be sent an application form for the 2nd permit which of course we haven't received. We were told that this would not happen until the PPZ had been operational for a couple of months and then reviewed.

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