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Sharrowvale Parking Scheme - new thread

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MY STORY ... When I was living in Sharrow St. one of my neighbors came around to collet signatures for a "parking scheme" and I refused because in almost four years living there I never had a problem parking my car next to my house, only in a very limited number of times when there was a match I had to walk 1 minute to my house. This neighbor got quite upset with me and he said he didn't really care neither because he had a DRIVEWAY to park his own car, so it wasn't really his problem. Then nextdoor neighbor came to me asking me to sign this stupid peticion.... bla bla bla and she didn't even have a car neither. I am lucky not to live there anymore... Basically people without a car or parking problems were pushing this stupid scheme forward... NOT FAIR, is it??? So now the council have seen another opportunity to collect more money from people.... not really solving the problem !

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Has anyone else noticed the bright red graffiti all over the new parking meters? it looks right classy.


So in the last month we've had to accept more street furniture which has attracted (crap) graffiti. As well as all the "for rent/ this property is let by" signs. It looks a right mess.

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The residents who were most vociferous and in favour of the scheme in my road either have no car or off street parking! We never really had problems parking before, we had a few incidents whereby inconsiderates parked on the opposite side of the road entirely on the raod (rather than above the curb and partly on the road) who then consequently blocked it.

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One thing you seem not to be aware of is that I WAS the planner responsible for residents parking schemes, BUT, I left the Council in September 06. That's why I don't have detail on what was in the petitions. The report on the outcome of consultation in Sharrow Vale was discussed by Councillors in December 06, well after I'd left.


I will try to find out the details you request.

Absolutely typical! whenever there's a problem with a government or council led scheme,especially where large budgets of public money are involved,the perpetrator/s have invariably moved on to different employment,so no one can be found to take responsibility!
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MY STORY ... When I was living in Sharrow St. one of my neighbors came around to collet signatures for a "parking scheme" and I refused because in almost four years living there I never had a problem parking my car next to my house, only in a very limited number of times when there was a match I had to walk 1 minute to my house. This neighbor got quite upset with me and he said he didn't really care neither because he had a DRIVEWAY to park his own car, so it wasn't really his problem.


I live just off Sharrow St and my neighbours claim that the person you most likely spoke to was the instigator of the project. Apparently he had a letter published in the Star on the Wednesday after the scheme went live praising it. How he could form a judgement so quickly is beyond me.

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Has anyone else noticed the bright red graffiti all over the new parking meters? it looks right classy.


So in the last month we've had to accept more street furniture which has attracted (crap) graffiti. As well as all the "for rent/ this property is let by" signs. It looks a right mess.


I've heard that this graffiti has been commissioned to brighten up the area. Some people are never satisfied.

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Absolutely typical! whenever there's a problem with a government or council led scheme,especially where large budgets of public money are involved,the perpetrator/s have invariably moved on to different employment,so no one can be found to take responsibility!


This is a bit rich! I worked for SCC for 20 years so was around to take responsibility for most of my schemes and was always happy to do so. I've also maintained a presence on the Forum to respond to any questions which arise on my old schemes.


If people put the same effort into contacting the Council as they do into posting on this Forum, the Council might get a better understanding of people's views.


There are other officers who have taken my place and are running this scheme. If people want to contact the Council they can do it through their website, or they can PM me, let me know the nature of the query, and I will give them contact details for the relevant person.


Council officers do monitor this thread and some do make the odd post. However, many Council officers are reluctant to put their head above the parapet, because it usually gets shot at.

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