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Sharrowvale Parking Scheme - new thread

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A lot of thought and effort also went into the introduction of the Poll Tax and look what happened to that. ;)
Nail. Head. Hit. :D


However Kenwood is now fully parked up so I suppose that they have now moved up there. I am begining to think that my dislike of the scheme was misplaced. :confused:
And I'm sure people in Kenwood and all the other streets that suddenly have a parking problem are delighted that you can now park.
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So you remove parking spaces that were not an issue and left those that are. Glad to see people are getting paid for doing such a sterling job!




How about second car permits, how about saturday parking, how about permits needed until well after commuters are gone. 6.30pm!! How about the cars parked in dangerous places.

Sadly I think, getting any of this changed is not realistically going to happen, as you would need to be unemployed to be able to devote the time and energy to do this and as most people work.....


Again, the planners will never be able to please everyone. You have your views, other people have different ones.


You put plenty of effort into posting on this Forum, all you need to do is email the Council with your issues. Have you?


Second permits do seem to be an issue for some people. The council have adopted a conservative attitude and are waiting to see whether there is space for people to get second permits. In the Broomhill scheme, once it had begun to operate, it became clear very quickly whether second permits could be allowed. No doubt it is the same for Sharow Vale.

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Yes, of course they go out on street.


If you want to ask the people invollved directly, I can PM you contact details.


The double yellows are on the scheme plan and they are there to keep an area clear so vehicles can turn around.


In some similar areas where the locals had a problem with them, they were omitted. The Council have tried to accommodate local wishes wherever they can.


Has anyone from the garage complained about them?


Planner1...this is the garage I use - they always park people's cars on the roads around - will they be allowed to do this in the future, or do I need to find another garage? Thanks.

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Planner1...this is the garage I use - they always park people's cars on the roads around - will they be allowed to do this in the future, or do I need to find another garage? Thanks.


The planners have left some unrestricted parking on that road to assist them and all businesses are entitled to use visitor permits.

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The planners have left some unrestricted parking on that road to assist them and all businesses are entitled to use visitor permits.



And if the garage forgets or chooses not to use a permit and my car gets slapped a ticket, who has to pay it? If its me, I'll not risk it and just find another garage. I don't think the garage will stay in business long I'm afraid....which is a shame.

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I won't be able to apply for a residents permit for a week or so until the docs arrive back so it's only visitors' permits i have pending at the moment - does the same apply? x


Are you saying you applied for Visitor Permits but didn't apply for a Resident's Permit, but now you want to apply for a Resident's Permit?


If so I would think you will need to keep using your Visitor Permits until you have the Resident's Permit.

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Again, the planners will never be able to please everyone. You have your views, other people have different ones.
Well they seemed to have managed to displease as many people as possible. I'm in favour of reducing commuting, but this scheme is very poorly thought out, it treats the symptom, badly and not the underlying causes.

I'm curious, what was the rational in having 10.5 hrs permit only, when a single hour effectively removes commuter parking elsewhere. Give me a good sensible reason for this


You put plenty of effort into posting on this Forum, all you need to do is email the Council with your issues. Have you?
Give me the email of someone who can actually do something for real and I'll see what happens.


Second permits do seem to be an issue for some people. The council have adopted a conservative attitude and are waiting to see whether there is space for people to get second permits. In the Broomhill scheme, once it had begun to operate, it became clear very quickly whether second permits could be allowed. No doubt it is the same for Sharow Vale.

So knowing the number of parking spaces available and the number of permits given out was too difficult a subtraction for the people involved to work out.

Well there's more spaces left than cars parked, where I've seen in daytime if that at's a clue for you. So even if every car owning house has a second car, there shouldn't be a problem with second permits. And if as you have avered before, second owners are rare, then there's even less of a problem.

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Well they seemed to have managed to displease as many people as possible. I'm in favour of reducing commuting, but this scheme is very poorly thought out, it treats the symptom, badly and not the underlying causes.

I'm curious, what was the rational in having 10.5 hrs permit only, when a single hour effectively removes commuter parking elsewhere. Give me a good sensible reason for this


Give me the email of someone who can actually do something for real and I'll see what happens.



So knowing the number of parking spaces available and the number of permits given out was too difficult a subtraction for the people involved to work out.

Well there's more spaces left than cars parked, where I've seen in daytime if that at's a clue for you. So even if every car owning house has a second car, there shouldn't be a problem with second permits. And if as you have avered before, second owners are rare, then there's even less of a problem.


It isn't within the Council's remit to deal with many of the underlying causes of commuting issues.


A one hour parking ban would not discourage commuters as effectively as a permit scheme in my opinion. The one hour ban allows the commuters to come out and shift their car to another street. Most places I've seen seem to favour residents parking schemes.


The permits are not issued until very late in the day, as near to the commencement date as possible. There is also the fact that you need to allow for late applications. Therefore, if that's the way you want to do it, you can't take a considered view on whether to allow second permits until the scheme is actually in operation. There are 6700 properties in the area and the truth is that no-one knew how many applications for permits there would be. The makeup of the area is different to the schemes which have come before, so it's difficult to draw conclusions from previous expereince.


That's the way the Council have chosen to do it, there may be a better way, it's open to debate.


Council Officers have been observing conditions on street and they are well aware that people want to know about second permits ASAP, so let's see what happens.

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