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Sharrowvale Parking Scheme - new thread

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The counter-point to that though is that we as the electorate shouldn't have voted them in if we don't want these ridiculous schemes. It's kind of a lose-lose situation.



Show me where it said in the council propoganda, 'If you vote for us we'll implement a parking scheme under the guise of helping residents but really just adding yet another stealth tax' and I'll apologise. I do vote and take the right to vote very seriously. If what I have heard is correct this scheme has been in the pipeline since early 2000's so it's obviously spanned different councillors, hence voting doesn't make a difference (in matters like this) when its the desk jockeys who make up these daft schemes in the first place.

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Surely you should have the facts and figures to hand. Isn't this your job (as what seems like the only person who is in agreement with the scheme) to be able to agrue a good case?


There are plenty of poeple who obviously don't like it (or certainly dont like being charged for it), where are the poeple who do want it?



If you look back in this thread a little you'll find people who support the scheme. Can I respectfully suggest you do a little research before jumping in with assumptions and misguided conclusions.


I am surrounded by neighbours who do little but praise it's implementation. Yes their are issues, but in general it works - and nobody has so far come up with a viable alternative - anywhere in the UK.


The first permit costs £36 that's about 10p per day - much less than the cost of the petrol used hunting for a space prior to 1st October! Yes, it would be nice not to pay an extra 10p per day - but lets face it, it's cheap and it works.


Their is widespread support, but I guess most people have better things to do when they're happy about something than waste time responding to a few disgruntled moaners on a forum who simply can't see the wood for the trees....


...good job a few of us have the time though!

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The Sharrow Vale residents parking scheme is part of the wider Peripheral Parking Zone, which primarily aims to limit the availability of commuter parking spaces.


Many residents of the area have for years been asking the Council to act to relieve this problem.


If the primary aim of the scheme is to limit the availabilty of commuter parking, why are residents and businesses being charged for permits?

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Show me where it said in the council propoganda, 'If you vote for us we'll implement a parking scheme under the guise of helping residents but really just adding yet another stealth tax' and I'll apologise. I do vote and take the right to vote very seriously. If what I have heard is correct this scheme has been in the pipeline since early 2000's so it's obviously spanned different councillors, hence voting doesn't make a difference (in matters like this) when its the desk jockeys who make up these daft schemes in the first place.


There is cross party support..... so you better get used to the concept!

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There is cross party support..... so you better get used to the concept!



So what you're saying is that we currently live in a dulled down dictatorship and we have no rght to protest or give our opinion on any matter what-so-ever?


If you would read my thread you would see that I am indeed in favour of the scheme I am just not in favour of having to pay for it. It is too easy to residents these days to roll over when the counsil make charges like this and just accept that they HAVE to pay. That is a decison made by the council. They could just have easily implement the scheme and the residents not pay, hence the term 'Residents parking scheme' not 'Residents pay for parking scheme.


It is very defeatist for you to just jump in and criticise me for jumping in and criticing the scheme when all I am doing is making my opinions heard. Opinions that are shared by many people in the area. How is that wrong? Or have my rights to freedom of speach been taken away by the council too and I just wasn't told about it. The moment people start just taking small payments like this on the chin, thats when the council think they can start charging for other things too. Next you'll be charged for wanting a streetlight on outside your house or your bins to be emptied.

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If you look back in this thread a little you'll find people who support the scheme. Can I respectfully suggest you do a little research before jumping in with assumptions and misguided conclusions.


I am surrounded by neighbours who do little but praise it's implementation. Yes their are issues, but in general it works - and nobody has so far come up with a viable alternative - anywhere in the UK.


The first permit costs £36 that's about 10p per day - much less than the cost of the petrol used hunting for a space prior to 1st October! Yes, it would be nice not to pay an extra 10p per day - but lets face it, it's cheap and it works.


Their is widespread support, but I guess most people have better things to do when they're happy about something than waste time responding to a few disgruntled moaners on a forum who simply can't see the wood for the trees....


...good job a few of us have the time though!


It's still £36 for a scheme which does not guarantee a parking space and is only policed during the daytime when we're not there anyway! The actual cost is not an issue- it's the fact that it is a stealth tax. Like the proposed charge to have your bins emptied. Scuse me but I thought that whopping great community charge we get stiffed with every year was supposed to pay for these services. By all means have a parking scheme to deter commuters from stealing resident's parking spaces IN THOSE AREAS THAT HAVE A PROBLEM - but if it's intended to make money through the parking meters anyway, why should the residents be charged as well?

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The council estimate they mill make £700k on the scheme on an annual basis - £30,000 of which will come from permits - why are they not free?


Contact your councillor and ask the question.


I am still waiting for a response to the emails I sent!!

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I think you will find that not "all" the residents are upset. I understand that Sharrow Community Forum were putting an article in their newsletter about the scheme and wanted to present a balanced view, with people speaking for and against. They had a hard job finding people who were dissatisfied.



I would be happy to talk to them and explain how I believe the scheme is flawed.

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Hey you lot .... SKINFLINTS !!!




The first permit costs £36 YES ......that's about 10p per day.


Its a civislised society so pay up, and if you don't we'll fine you and if you don't pay the fine we'll send the bailiffs in !!!!!


These little taxes are amazing, you back down on one and before you know it another one pops up. Believe me, anything to do with the car has alot more milage in terms of extra taxes here and there.



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Hey you lot .... SKINFLINTS !!!




The first permit costs £36 YES ......that's about 10p per day.


Its a civislised society so pay up, and if you don't we'll fine you and if you don't pay the fine we'll send the bailiffs in !!!!!


These little taxes are amazing, you back down on one and before you know it another one pops up. Believe me, anything to do with the car has alot more milage in terms of extra taxes here and there.




I can't work out if this makes you for paying or against paying? Its not very clear is it? Or is that just me?

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