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Sharrowvale Parking Scheme - new thread

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Just an aside but the set of pedestrian traffic lights leaving Hunters Bar roundabout on Ecclesall Road are out of action today.


Whilst I think there are just as many cars the traffic seems to be flowing because the roundabout isn't blocked - even just now coming down Eccy road at 5pm wasn't that bad.


As people in the area are spending money on these permits wouldn't it be good to invest some of the revenues in a subway that streetforce can properly maintain. This might actually cut congestion in the area instead of bus lanes and parking schemes (which some here argue can contribute to traffic jams).

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it's a pathetic comment & as someone said it's yet another stealth tax. What exactly do we pay council tax for?


Mostly for the services which Local Authorities have a statutory obligation to provide. Residents parking schemes don't fall into this category.

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Just an aside but the set of pedestrian traffic lights leaving Hunters Bar roundabout on Ecclesall Road are out of action today.


Whilst I think there are just as many cars the traffic seems to be flowing because the roundabout isn't blocked - even just now coming down Eccy road at 5pm wasn't that bad.


As people in the area are spending money on these permits wouldn't it be good to invest some of the revenues in a subway that streetforce can properly maintain. This might actually cut congestion in the area instead of bus lanes and parking schemes (which some here argue can contribute to traffic jams).


Subways are yesterday's solution. Most places are filling them in and replacing them with surface level pedestrian crossings.

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Mostly for the services which Local Authorities have a statutory obligation to provide. Residents parking schemes don't fall into this category.


This really isn't much of an arguement for why the residents should have to pay. We've already established that the scheme is more than paid for by the day to day running of it so asking the residents to pay extra to park by their own house is simply greed. Pure and simple.


Estimated sceme generated funds £700k+ per anum

Estimated revenue brought in by residents paying £50k


And you're telling me it has to be like this because???

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I was takin the mick out of the town planners.


ie ... its only 10p per day, bargain at half the price, but its not another tax (honest). The potential for fines to be handed out and for the bailiffs to be sent in. One poster claimed that sending the bailiffs in won't kill the householder.


I personally see this thing for what it is, simply a revenue generating top up to the council tax.


AS for the claim that its to stop commuter parking, er... ahem.....on Saturdays?


Someones telling porky pies

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