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Sharrowvale Parking Scheme - new thread

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Subways are yesterday's solution. Most places are filling them in and replacing them with surface level pedestrian crossings.






Subways are rubbish as pedestrians cross the road, by going under the road, this means that traffic flows freely above.


The new system of pedestrian crossings works, as it stops traffic flowing freely (please refer to brook hill roundabout) thereby creating congestion.



New system good, old system bad.

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Two weeks since the scheme actually 'started', and one month since the scheme 'started', and two months since the scheme was supposed to have 'started' (well done to SCC for getting something off the ground). As far as I can see no Parking Scheme has 'started'. Half the lines in our rowd are incomplete: double yellow lines not terminated, parking bays left open, double yellows mixed up with zig-zags so people can gey away with saying they didn't see them, Parking Attendants NOT giving tickets to people illegally parked, parents triple parking when they collect school kids with no consequences, Parking Attendants being pulled off the scheme at 4:30 to deal with more important routes elsewhere.


They've had our money and haven't instigated anything worthwhile. Stealth tax? More like highway robbery (no pun intended). I don't know about the rest of you but in Kirkstall Road parking is the same as before but now we have dozens of people each day driving around looking for spaces.


In fact parking on the zig-zags has dramatically decreased over the last few weeks. Before they were just a part of the general car park in the area, to the point that it caused a general safety issue for our road. If cars are parked on the corner of the road AND opposite the road entrance then fire engines cannot enter our road. These should all be ENFORCED double yellows - AS THEY ARE ON THE PLANS FOR THIS SCHEME. Unfinished plans.


Can anyone answer the following for me?


What is the situation with regards to disabled badge holders and residents parking bays? Can they park anywhere they like?

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I was takin the mick out of the town planners.


ie ... its only 10p per day, bargain at half the price, but its not another tax (honest). The potential for fines to be handed out and for the bailiffs to be sent in. One poster claimed that sending the bailiffs in won't kill the householder.


I personally see this thing for what it is, simply a revenue generating top up to the council tax.


AS for the claim that its to stop commuter parking, er... ahem.....on Saturdays?


Someones telling porky pies


....maybe you don't work on Saturdays but many do and a good many also use our residential streets as a free Saturday shoppers carpark.


The scheme has also put an abrupt stop to the deluge of football supporters cars that descend on our streets almost every other Saturday through the season...Excellent! (I know you don't have this problem at Hunters Bar but we do at the London Road end)





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....maybe you don't work on Saturdays but many do and a good many also use our residential streets as a free Saturday shoppers carpark.


The scheme has also put an abrupt stop to the deluge of football supporters cars that descend on our streets almost every other Saturday through the season...Excellent! (I know you don't have this problem at Hunters Bar but we do at the London Road end)






No we dont have this problem at Hunters Bar - you hit the nail right on the head - so, why was the scheme imposed in our area.

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QUOTE ppz resident:

"The scheme has also put an abrupt stop to the deluge of football supporters cars that descend on our streets almost every other Saturday through the season...Excellent! (I know you don't have this problem at Hunters Bar but we do at the London Road end)."


The Football Ground has been there for quite some time, I believe, so why live in that area?


Why not move, as other residents have been advised to do?



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The Sharrow Vale residents parking scheme is part of the wider Peripheral Parking Zone, which primarily aims to limit the availability of commuter parking spaces.


I asked this question last week and am still awaiting a reply - if the primary aim of the scheme is to limit the availability of commuter parking, why are residents being charged for permits?

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They can't answer the question because:

a) they can't admit to trying to rip the residents off.

b) there is no justification for charging the residents.

c) you will notice that any question that is too hard to answer is just ignored.


Complaining on here really isn't the answer. The only way to get yourself heard and get some real answers is to formally complain IN WRITING to the Director of Development Services. The address is:


Director of Development Services

Howden House

1 Union Street


S1 2SH


Send the letter recorded delivery so it can't convieniently go missing in the post and demand a response to your formal complaint in writing. I sent a letter of complaint over a week ago but forgot to send it recorded and I have had no response as yet, so can only assume its 'gone missing' in the post.


Just remember, we're not demanding that the scheme be removed because that will never happen. We are just demanding free parking for actual residents. Hence the 'Residents Parking Scheme' not 'Residents Pay for Parking Scheme'. If everyone on here who is opposed tries this, I'm sure they'll listen.

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I asked this question last week and am still awaiting a reply - if the primary aim of the scheme is to limit the availability of commuter parking, why are residents being charged for permits?


Can we get this straight? I am not a representative of the Council, I'm not paid for giving you information, so DON'T start getting shirty with me when I overlook questions that I've already answered.


If you read my other posts on this subject, I believe I've given this info before.


The question of charging for permits was decided long ago, before any of the schemes which comprise the Peripheral Parking Zone were put in place. No one knew what the uptake of permits would be, or how much the income from penalties would be or whether it woudl decline over time. The Council don't have any statutory duty to provide residents parking schemes, so it had to pay for itself. Setup costs are considerable (£400k for Sharrow Vale), so the money had to come from the permit holders.


Broomhall was the first scheme, it didn't have pay and display, so the only income from it is permit charges and penalty charges.


The permit fees which were decided for the Broomhall Scheme have been applied to all subsequent ones. Pay and display was trialed successfully in Broomhill, is being used in Sharrow Vale and, I imagine could be retrospectively installed in Broomhall.


The Council are now much better placed to understand how much income they get from pay and display and penalty charges, so they can take an informed decision on whether they need to charge for permits. If you want the current situation to change you need to tell them.


In my opinion permits (or at least the first one) should be free for residents.

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Of course they won't listen because

a) they never listen

b) think of all the lovely money they'd lose if they did listen


Utter rubbish. The Council ALWAYS listen. They might not agree with what you say, but they always listen.


It is a relevant point that if they issued residents permits free, they would be giving up a potentially substantial income stream. People will therefore need to put up a strong and convincing case if they are to persuade the Council to do what they want.

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