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Sharrowvale Parking Scheme - new thread

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Of course they won't listen because

a) they never listen

b) think of all the lovely money they'd lose if they did listen


This is a very negative point to make. If you go through your life thinking like this then you'll get walked all over and never have your say. The more people ignore little things like this the more the council will think it is ok to charge what it wants for any service it chooses.


If enough people say something OFFICIALLY then they will have to listen. Trust me.

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This is a very negative point to make. If you go through your life thinking like this then you'll get walked all over and never have your say. The more people ignore little things like this the more the council will think it is ok to charge what it wants for any service it chooses.


If enough people say something OFFICIALLY then they will have to listen. Trust me.


The larger the response, the more weight it will carry. People need to make the effort to give their views to the Council. In my opinion this is best done individually, NOT via petitions or pro-forma responses.

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Do you honestly think that people are stupid enough to believe you and this isn't just another way for the council to gain more revenue?


I'll tell you this. If people don't make the effort, NOTHING will happen.


Where there has been a groundswell of opinion, the Council have acted. Sharrow wasn't originally in the Sharrowvale scheme, there was a large response from residents saying that they wanted in. They got in. In Hunters Bar there were a lot of objections to the scheme form a particular area where residents wanted to opt-out. They got to opt out. In another area at Endcliffe, people wanted stronger restrictions. They got them. There are other examples in other schemes.


I used to be the lead Council Officer for residents parking schemes. While I was dealing with them, generating income was never discussed as an objective. We were just looking for the schemes to cover costs.

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Can we get this straight? I am not a representative of the Council, I'm not paid for giving you information, so DON'T start getting shirty with me when I overlook questions that I've already answered.


If you read my other posts on this subject, I believe I've given this info before.


The question of charging for permits was decided long ago, before any of the schemes which comprise the Peripheral Parking Zone were put in place. No one knew what the uptake of permits would be, or how much the income from penalties would be or whether it woudl decline over time. The Council don't have any statutory duty to provide residents parking schemes, so it had to pay for itself. Setup costs are considerable (£400k for Sharrow Vale), so the money had to come from the permit holders.


Broomhall was the first scheme, it didn't have pay and display, so the only income from it is permit charges and penalty charges.


The permit fees which were decided for the Broomhall Scheme have been applied to all subsequent ones. Pay and display was trialed successfully in Broomhill, is being used in Sharrow Vale and, I imagine could be retrospectively installed in Broomhall.


The Council are now much better placed to understand how much income they get from pay and display and penalty charges, so they can take an informed decision on whether they need to charge for permits. If you want the current situation to change you need to tell them.


In my opinion permits (or at least the first one) should be free for residents.


Firstly, if anyone's getting shirty here, it's not me. I have read most of this thread and could not find any posts that answered my specific question. I have no illusions that you represent the council, but you made a statement regarding the aim of the scheme which suggested you had a greater knowledge of the ins and outs of it than I do, so I requested clarification on why the residents were funding it.


I believe that the only way anything will be done it for people to make their feelings known to the council. If, as has been said on here, the council will listen if enough people speak up, then that's what all those who are aggreived with the scheme need to do. It will NEVER please everyone, no scheme of this nature ever can as it is designed to deter people from doing something that they would do if left to their own devices. I agree that a residents parking scheme is needed, but as this thread demonstrates, it seems to have served only to make life harder for the residents, not easier.

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QUOTE ppz resident:

"The scheme has also put an abrupt stop to the deluge of football supporters cars that descend on our streets almost every other Saturday through the season...Excellent! (I know you don't have this problem at Hunters Bar but we do at the London Road end)."


The Football Ground has been there for quite some time, I believe, so why live in that area?


Why not move, as other residents have been advised to do?





I live in the house my grandparents originally moved into in 1933. Parking wasn't a problem then. Should we just move as a result of it now - NO. The problem is the parking, not the residents.


And just for a bit of perspective, my great grandfather played for Sheffield United - so don't give me the old "You're just not interested in football" line either.


Sharrow is a part of my history, I like the area and I like my neighbours. The parking scheme has had a very positive impact on the quality of our lives and long may it continue.

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Firstly, if anyone's getting shirty here, it's not me. I have read most of this thread and could not find any posts that answered my specific question. I have no illusions that you represent the council, but you made a statement regarding the aim of the scheme which suggested you had a greater knowledge of the ins and outs of it than I do, so I requested clarification on why the residents were funding it.


I believe that the only way anything will be done it for people to make their feelings known to the council. If, as has been said on here, the council will listen if enough people speak up, then that's what all those who are aggreived with the scheme need to do. It will NEVER please everyone, no scheme of this nature ever can as it is designed to deter people from doing something that they would do if left to their own devices. I agree that a residents parking scheme is needed, but as this thread demonstrates, it seems to have served only to make life harder for the residents, not easier.


....the thread simply demonstrates the views of people who are predominantly critical of the scheme, that's the nature of these things - an opportunity to complain.


Do you seriously think all the people who are happy with it are going to spend their time on a thread saying so??


If you do then you are sadly mistaken, this (thread) is not a realistic litmus test of approval and never will be.

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Sharrow is a part of my history, I like the area and I like my neighbours. The parking scheme has had a very positive impact on the quality of our lives and long may it continue.



Bully for you :mad:


I now have a parking problem I never had thanks to you having a clear street


There are no plans for a ppz around my house



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