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Sharrowvale Parking Scheme - new thread

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QUOTE ppz resident:

"And just for a bit of perspective, my great grandfather played for Sheffield United - so don't give me the old "You're just not interested in football" line either. "


I wouldn't dream of doing so!


As for having to move from the ancestral home, circumstances change.

To go 'off topic', many established residents were driven out by noisy neighbours.



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I'll tell you this. If people don't make the effort, NOTHING will happen.


Where there has been a groundswell of opinion, the Council have acted. Sharrow wasn't originally in the Sharrowvale scheme, there was a large response from residents saying that they wanted in. They got in. In Hunters Bar there were a lot of objections to the scheme form a particular area where residents wanted to opt-out. They got to opt out. In another area at Endcliffe, people wanted stronger restrictions. They got them. There are other examples in other schemes.


I used to be the lead Council Officer for residents parking schemes. While I was dealing with them, generating income was never discussed as an objective. We were just looking for the schemes to cover costs.


Yeah right of course not, next you'll be trying to tell us all parking fines, changing council tax bands, the soon to be introduced congestion charges are solely for the benefit to the people of Sheffield. Don’t insult people s intelligence and presume the majority of decent hard working people in Sheffield are totally naive and dumb.

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Yeah right of course not, next you'll be trying to tell us all parking fines, changing council tax bands, the soon to be introduced congestion charges are solely for the benefit to the people of Sheffield. Don’t insult people s intelligence and presume the majority of decent hard working people in Sheffield are totally naive and dumb.


I'd appreciate it if you didn't imply that I am lying. I have no connection with Sheffield Council now and have no reason to be untruthful. What I have told you is a fact.


"Soon to be introduced congestion charges"??????

So what do you know that the rest of us don't? Sheffield Council have consistently said that hey have no plans to introduce congestion charging.


The income from parking fines goes into the Council's highways budget, so it does benefit the people of Sheffield.

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Bully for you :mad:


I now have a parking problem I never had thanks to you having a clear street


There are no plans for a ppz around my house




So your feeling is that the residents of Sharrow should have simply accepted the problem of commuter parking as their's alone.


There were no plans for a ppz around my house either until the scale of the problem was brought to the Councils notice. If it hadn't been so oppressive we wouldn't have a residents only parking scheme now.


I suggest you direct your anger in a more constructive direction.


If you have a better and viable solution then I think everyone would like to hear. Maybe that solution would work for your street now.

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I'd have thought the solution would have been to leave it as it was. There's no need for a solution to a problem that doesn't really exist. Anyone who moved into residential streets near the city centre without doing research onto who parks in the street at what time, and without some inkling that in the future there will only ever be an increased shortage of spaces can't really complain.

It's a shame that the council felt the need to spend so much time and money to supposedly 'alleviate' a problem perceived by just a few people who weren't switched on enough to envisage that their street may be used by commuters. It's even more of a shame that by the same act, the council have immediately caused issues for people who wouldn't have had a problem before.

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I suggest you direct your anger in a more constructive direction.


If you have a better and viable solution then I think everyone would like to hear.


I would now like a PPZ for my street


I have spoken to the council


"Not for 10 years. if ever" was the response


So yes I am bitter


I had no problems till Sharrow went live and now its rubbish



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I'd have thought the solution would have been to leave it as it was. There's no need for a solution to a problem that doesn't really exist. Anyone who moved into residential streets near the city centre without doing research onto who parks in the street at what time, and without some inkling that in the future there will only ever be an increased shortage of spaces can't really complain.

It's a shame that the council felt the need to spend so much time and money to supposedly 'alleviate' a problem perceived by just a few people who weren't switched on enough to envisage that their street may be used by commuters. It's even more of a shame that by the same act, the council have immediately caused issues for people who wouldn't have had a problem before.


:hihi: Do you have any other jokes for us?

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I would now like a PPZ for my street


I have spoken to the council


"Not for 10 years. if ever" was the response


So yes I am bitter


I had no problems till Sharrow went live and now its rubbish




Know the feeling, it took us seven years. I was also told it would never happen. I was told there was no funding. I was told it was not a priority (it is only a priority when it adversely effects your own life).


It is inevitable that there will be some displacement, but it is not the residents of Sharrow who are to blame - it's the commuter cars and transport policy.


It leaves me baffled when people on this thread say there wasn't a problem in the first place. If there wasn't a problem, why is the 'none-problem' now effecting other people?


I do hope you also find a solution soon.

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