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Sharrowvale Parking Scheme - new thread

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Did anyone watch Dispatches - Bottleneck Britain on Channel 4 about not just the parking problems but the roads in general. It basically stated that we as car owners are being ripped off by the government through stealth taxes such as car parking permits and pay and display with the money not being invested back into the transport system. (You should still be able to watch this through the C4 online player)


This parking scheme is one of the stealth taxes that we are just supposed to take lying down with no opposition. People around the country are starting to rally to at least get the money received back into the road system.


As for this scheme I have been writing formally to the council complaining about it and I have not been getting any response. Personally I have boycotted all retail outlets in the area and plan to visit some of them over the next week to state that I am not buying anything from their outlet due to the parking in the area. the plans for the London Road parking scheme will just create further disruption.


Quote from an email received recently was

"As far as making comments on the scheme is concerned, James Burdett is the officer responsible. He will investigate and act on specific problems – e.g. if the length of stay on particular bays could be changed (though it won’t go to more than 4 hours), whether it should operate in the evening, if yellow lines would help points where traffic is getting snarled up etc. There will be a formal review after 6 months (and an informal one at the Area Panel after 3 months). But he won’t recommend withdrawing the scheme as a whole, which is part of a long term stategy to reduce car commuting and rationalise parking put in place by the Labour administration."


I suggest that we all formally complain to this person to rally support against this Toll Tax.

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Sorry to harp on with this question


It just hasnt been answered despite being asked a whole lot of times


If this scheme is to get rid of commuters why is it active on Saturdays?


Or is it not anti commuter at all and has it been brought in for another reason?




So you don't think that anyone drives to work on Saturdays?

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"As far as making comments on the scheme is concerned, James Burdett is the officer responsible. He will investigate and act on specific problems – e.g. if the length of stay on particular bays could be changed (though it won’t go to more than 4 hours), whether it should operate in the evening, if yellow lines would help points where traffic is getting snarled up etc. There will be a formal review after 6 months (and an informal one at the Area Panel after 3 months). But he won’t recommend withdrawing the scheme as a whole, which is part of a long term stategy to reduce car commuting and rationalise parking put in place by the Labour administration."


I suggest that we all formally complain to this person to rally support against this Toll Tax.


This information is out of date, James Burdett is no longer dealing with the residents parking scheme. It's best to write to the Head of Transport and Highways, Sheffield City Council, Howden House, Union Street, Sheffield S1 2SH

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It's worth noting that the officers who are dealing with the scheme are pleased to help with minor changes where they can. However, changes which need for example, Traffic Regulation Orders to be drawn up or changed, do take time (and money) to process, so can take quite a while.

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Precious little I reckon :-(

There's no chance of the scheme being reversed as so many people are reportedly in favour of it.

I sympathise with you, I for one, no longer visit any shops in the schemed areas. However, on the previous thread I'm sure that someone claimed to have feedback from the busineses in the Broomhill area that suggested that despite parking restrictions, no impact had been made on trade. I guess that all of a sudden a large group of customers have started using the shops to replace those who like me now avoid them.

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It didn't disappear mysteriously, we removed it because some people couldn't resist making potentially libellous comments, despite warnings. If it happens again or if people want to make an issue of it we will simply ban those concerned.

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can anybody help????i run a business at the junction of sharrow lane and washington road.my business and others around have seen sales and customers slump.


what can i do???? and who do i need to be talking too for help???


There is no mechanism for compensating you for any loss of business.


You and any other businesses affected need to contact the Council officers involved in the scheme and meet them to see what can be done to help. I'll PM you contact details.

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