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Sharrowvale Parking Scheme - new thread

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I speak to Parking attendants on a weekly basis in our road, and on the telephone. I have been informed BY THEM that they have been told to be more leniant on parking infringements. For example, cars without permits partly parked in permit only bays are not being fined. On Sharrow Vale Road 'Loading Only' bays are being parked in by permit holders all day long, causing severe traffic congestion. They are never fined.


To everyone who reads this thread. If you have received a parking survey form PLEASE complete it and return it. The residents of our street have kept copies of our forms and will be monitoring the councils statistics to ensure that this time they actually take notice of our opinions and recommendations (which were wholly ignored before the scheme was implemented).

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Filled mine in but I really don't think it will make a difference.

There's hardly ever more than one free space on our road.

Even when you do get parked, you're blocked in by food delivery lorries and bin lorries for 20 mins at a time.


Oh come on, I'm afraid this is a pretty trivial gripe.


Bins are only collected once a week and it's usually early in the morning. Delivery lorries might block the road once in a while - Ive only had to wait 5 mins once in two years - but if they aren't boxing you just in reverse and go out other end of street.

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I speak to Parking attendants on a weekly basis in our road, and on the telephone. I have been informed BY THEM that they have been told to be more leniant on parking infringements. For example, cars without permits partly parked in permit only bays are not being fined. On Sharrow Vale Road 'Loading Only' bays are being parked in by permit holders all day long, causing severe traffic congestion. They are never fined.


Sorry I don't believe this. Most authorities instruct the Parking Attendants to issue tickets if a full wheel and the boot or bonnet is illegally parked. The Loading Bay is for exactly that, and vehicles parked from / to which there is no loading / unloading activity are likely to be issued with a Penalty Charge Notice.


Again - I would advise all drivers to check the signs and lines - and comply with them.

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The council are asking for residents views on the "success" of this scheme, with a view to extending it.

Any one who doesn't want to pay for the privelage of parking in their street or somewhere near it had better register their objection, as one vote in favour will outweigh 50 against.


Objection well abd truly registered and I see Labour have also asked residents for their views, as a seperate exercise to the questionnaire sent out to assess the 'success' of the scheme...

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Oh come on, I'm afraid this is a pretty trivial gripe.


Bins are only collected once a week and it's usually early in the morning. Delivery lorries might block the road once in a while - Ive only had to wait 5 mins once in two years - but if they aren't boxing you just in reverse and go out other end of street.


FFS, as i've posted on many other threads, the waste lorries come every day.

The delivery lorries come nearly every day delivering food, bottles, glasses, gas cylinders, pressure washers. I was nearly late for a funeral yesterday waiting for the gas cylinder bloke to sort his stuff out.

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But a fraction of people work Saturdays and commute as they do Monday to Friday


So why oh why oh why is the scheme active on Saturdays?


My OH and my neighbour works shifts which includes Saturdays and Sundays, it needs extending to encompass longer hours, including Sundays, and get rid of the pay and display. End of.

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