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Sharrowvale Parking Scheme - new thread

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I've said before that I've stopped shopping on Ecclesall Rd. since this was introduced, and from the comments on the Star's website it seems that other people have done the same. As for the shopkeepers, did they vote for this or did they object? If the former, then they only have themselves to blame.


Not too surprising that the restaurants haven't seen much of a drop in trade - presumably they do the bulk of their business after the scheme ends in the evening.

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Well, the local business owners are critical of the silly scheme, as in this article on The Star's website.


Some were critical, some thought it was OK or even an opportunity. You'll never please everyone.


I suppose downturns in local trade are nothing to do with the general tightening of purse-strings that appears to be happening across the board?

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Some were critical, some thought it was OK or even an opportunity. You'll never please everyone.


I suppose downturns in local trade are nothing to do with the general tightening of purse-strings that appears to be happening across the board?






I did see the story in the star, and one of the businesses in favour was a restaurant, I assume most of them do their business after 6.30 at night.


The ones against (a butcher) is probably doing his/her business (selling food) during the hours this thing is in operation.


But I guess the people who voice opinions against will be ignored. The council are clearly anti car, and a few little businesses gong to the wall will not make a jot of difference.


As long as the anti car policy goes charging on

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I did see the story in the star, and one of the businesses in favour was a restaurant, I assume most of them do their business after 6.30 at night.


The ones against (a butcher) is probably doing his/her business (selling food) during the hours this thing is in operation.


But I guess the people who voice opinions against will be ignored. The council are clearly anti car, and a few little businesses gong to the wall will not make a jot of difference.


As long as the anti car policy goes charging on


Restaurants do business at lunchtimes don't forget.


Whatever the Council do, there will always be someone who objects. Does that mean that nothing should be done because the odd person doesn't like it?


That pay & display scheme promotes turnover of parking spaces, which is exactly what businesses need. When we consulted local businesses, there was no particular consensus about exactly what they wanted. Some, particularly ones on Ecclesall Road asked for the scheme because the spaces outside their businesses were taken up by all day parking. Others couldn't agree whather they wanted 1 hour, 2 hour or 4 hour parking, or where particular types of bay should go.


In these circumstances, it's very easy for some people to say that their views are "ignored". That isn't so. There are many views, all are listened to, but decisions have to be made and you can't please everyone.


The Council isn't anti-car. This scheme is dealing with the problems caused by there being too many cars. It actually frees up parking spaces for visitors and shoppers and allows residents the oportunity to at least park somewhere near their house. It may not be perfect and could probably be improved upon, but I'd argue it's better than nothing. Local people can tell the Council what they think of the scheme and how it could be improved in the review that is currently happening.

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I don't quite see how the scheme could be targeting commuters along Ecclesall Rd. since you weren't allowed to park there during peak hours anyway because of the bus lane, so the only hours those spaces would be occupied would be 9.30 to 4.30 or whatever the operating hours were, which wouldn't suit commuters in the first place. Didn't stop it all becoming pay and display though, did it?

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I don't quite see how the scheme could be targeting commuters along Ecclesall Rd. since you weren't allowed to park there during peak hours anyway because of the bus lane, so the only hours those spaces would be occupied would be 9.30 to 4.30 or whatever the operating hours were, which wouldn't suit commuters in the first place. Didn't stop it all becoming pay and display though, did it?


Some of the shops on Ecclesall Rd complained about comuters and other shop staff/owners parking there all day. In a number of places, I've seen people who are obviously commuters sitting in their cars at 9.15 or shortly after, waiting for 9.30 to arrive so they can safely leave their car, or drive off if a parking attendant arrives!


Many people don't now work "traditional" hours. Lots of people are on flexi-time or work part time.


The permit scheme and pay & display allows a higher level of enforcement than there would have been previously, so the rules are better observed and there is improved turnover of time-limited bays. This can only help business.


I'm advised there are 4 parking attendants allocated to Sharrow Vale daily. I'd guess that in line with other areas, enforcement would have been only occasional before the scheme.

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I saw some woman parked with hazard lights on in the permit zone on saturday. I thought the car seemed to have been there a pretty long time. later on I saw her coming back with shopping bags and get into the car and drive off. She looked pretty minted - thought it was well cheeky of her to scrimp on paying for the parking (and nick my normal space)

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Some were critical, some thought it was OK or even an opportunity. You'll never please everyone.


I suppose downturns in local trade are nothing to do with the general tightening of purse-strings that appears to be happening across the board?


Pardon me if I completely ignore your biased posts:thumbsup:

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I would like to say that the Sharrow parking scheme has done wonders for our road (walton road)

The students generally seem to have either decided its not worth bringing their car to uni (good choice, especially as most of them go to the Hallam campus on Collegiate which is a 2 minute walk away)

and it seems that all the other residents on the street have plenty of space to park infront of, or very close to their houses.

There are usually spaces in the resident areas as well as the pay and display zones and the fact that the pay and display is soooo cheap compared to most parking meters is also a good thing.

I say well done planners, walton road, wadborough and thompson road is definitely better than it was!

(just a shame other areas dont seem to have fared so well)

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As I've mentioned before, I live on the outer boundary of this 'scheme' & after 9am our road is full of 'dumped' cars, if I shift my car I have no chance of parking when I get back.

NO!!! I'm not willing to pay to park outside my home, when before this scheme our road was free of 'dumped' cars. :rant::mad:

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