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Sharrowvale Parking Scheme - new thread

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As I've mentioned before, I live on the outer boundary of this 'scheme' & after 9am our road is full of 'dumped' cars, if I shift my car I have no chance of parking when I get back.

NO!!! I'm not willing to pay to park outside my home, when before this scheme our road was free of 'dumped' cars. :rant::mad:


You'll be lucky to park outside your own home, I'm normally 3 streets away.

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You'll be lucky to park outside your own home, I'm normally 3 streets away.


It's always 'me me me' with you isn't it. You could always get up a few minutes earlier and get the bus to work.. I guess neither you or your partner would be prepared to set foot on a bus though coming from Hunters Bar.













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  • 3 weeks later...
I speak to Parking attendants on a weekly basis in our road, and on the telephone. I have been informed BY THEM that they have been told to be more leniant on parking infringements. For example, cars without permits partly parked in permit only bays are not being fined. On Sharrow Vale Road 'Loading Only' bays are being parked in by permit holders all day long, causing severe traffic congestion. They are never fined.


To everyone who reads this thread. If you have received a parking survey form PLEASE complete it and return it. The residents of our street have kept copies of our forms and will be monitoring the councils statistics to ensure that this time they actually take notice of our opinions and recommendations (which were wholly ignored before the scheme was implemented).


Completed and returned. Our gripes are the following:


Plenty of car users abusing the 'permit holders only bays' by using pay & display to park in these designated areas

Never so much as seen 1 Parking Attendant on our road apart from seeing the Parking Services van cruising up on a Sunday when no restrictions are in force

Plenty of cars with no permit whatsoever or pay & display ticket as well as those on double yellows that park in our road and seem to get away with it

Reduction in the number of available parking spaces

When I've phoned to complain on a weekend have never got an answer

Selfish people who have driveways taking up a much coveted parking place

Being unable to park anywhere within 200 metres of our house after 6:30 & on a Sunday

We're still awaiting any feedback.



Aggrieved of S11

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