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Sharrowvale Parking Scheme - new thread

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I prefer the current scheme to what was going on before - especially on Saturday match days when it was impossible to get a space for visitors outside my house. I am aware though, that it had an effect on local businesses (leading to Huttons being sold back to Thresher I believe) which is a real shame and, I'm sure, an unintended outcome.


There are quite a lot of kids who play on our road and I think that the scheme has cut down on the number of people who cut through or look for spaces which I think is good for them and healthier for us all.


As the 'green' ward in Sheffield I think it's sensible that we all take the pain (getting/paying for the permits) that's bound to come along with the change. No doubt others will disagree, but isn't this essentially about trying to cut down the emissions in the area and make it into a more pleasant place to be? :)

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I have moved away from this area now


Was a driving factor for moving the parking scheme that was introduced? If it was then I would recommend contacting the council and tell them about it. If people are leaving the area then they should be aware of it.


Also the people that are in the 'If you have to pay, just stayway' group we should start to campaign about these such schemes. The more people campaign the more the council have to stand up and listen to the voters.

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What good will it do? Can you really see the council taking away all those parking meters now they've put them there? In any case they seem to have rather selective hearing when it comes to these schemes - one person in favour can easily drown out a dozen against.


My view is well, fine, they don't want me to go there so the simple answer is, I won't go there.

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Completed and returned. Our gripes are the following:


Plenty of car users abusing the 'permit holders only bays' by using pay & display to park in these designated areas

Never so much as seen 1 Parking Attendant on our road apart from seeing the Parking Services van cruising up on a Sunday when no restrictions are in force

Plenty of cars with no permit whatsoever or pay & display ticket as well as those on double yellows that park in our road and seem to get away with it

Reduction in the number of available parking spaces

When I've phoned to complain on a weekend have never got an answer

Selfish people who have driveways taking up a much coveted parking place

Being unable to park anywhere within 200 metres of our house after 6:30 & on a Sunday

We're still awaiting any feedback.



Aggrieved of S11


May I suggest that you e-mail Parking Services with your comments, giving details of the specific streets where you have noticed cars with no permits in the permit holder only bays and cars parked on double yellow lines. Also the relevant times of day when this happens. With specific information they will then be able to target enforcement patrols to resolve the problems you are reporting.


The e-mail address is : - parkingservices@sheffield.gov.uk Mark it for the attention of the Parking Services Manager.

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I have moved away from this area now, do you reckon I could get a refund on my permit or sell it on?


I moved to get away from the scheme too - send in your permit, you should get a refund.


Make sure you keep a copy of it though - knowing this council, it wouldn't surprise me if they could lose it...

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Seems a bit extreme to move to avoid paying 36 quid. Tell the truth, was it the only reason?


You also said: I suppose downturns in local trade are nothing to do with the general tightening of purse-strings that appears to be happening across the board?


If your replies are anything to go by then £36 this year and £70 plus next year is invaluable considering the general tightneing of purse-strings that appears to be happening across the board.


It probably wasn't the only reason, but one that was a (forgive the pun) a driving factor toward the decision.


If you have to pay, just stay away.

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May I suggest that you e-mail Parking Services with your comments, giving details of the specific streets where you have noticed cars with no permits in the permit holder only bays and cars parked on double yellow lines. Also the relevant times of day when this happens. With specific information they will then be able to target enforcement patrols to resolve the problems you are reporting.


The e-mail address is : - parkingservices@sheffield.gov.uk Mark it for the attention of the Parking Services Manager.


Yes I will do thanks. Shock horror - I noticed a ticketed car on our road the other day, nearly fell over. Then a couple of days later I saw a Parking Attendant walking up our road, so maybe they are cracking down a bit?


Does anyone else believe this?

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