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Sharrowvale Parking Scheme - new thread

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I do take the bus, as do most of my colleagues and even more are now biking to work (we just added two more bike shelters all three are now packed) its just for those who drive there, we have a 6 year waiting list to get a personal spot. the people who drive dont mind paying, they mind having to move their cars.


ps my company is also involved with the cycle scheme and actively encourages us to use alternative transport means. its more for the stubborn buggers who want to drive or need to drive to get to work

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The annoying thing is there are no plans for a Nether Edge scheme so as far as I can see this plan has just made a lot of aggro for those in Sharrow who dont want it, has dumped lots of cars onto S7 and S11 and still the commuters clog up are roads in rush hour and park them where the council dont want them to
Good, I don't want a parking scheme on my street.
If your housing decisions are based on parking availability or lack thereof, don't forget that the Council intend to put in similar residents parking zones to form a ring right around the city centre. They're also looking at simailar schemes in District Shopping Centres, like Hillsborough.
Oh lovely.
As car ownership continues to grow, parking is set to become an issue in more and more places.
and removing parking is improving things how? If there are schemes, residents will mostly just pay for the permit. How does this improve anything? Why should I pay to park outside my house or on a side street thanks to peak hour urban clearway...
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ps my company is also involved with the cycle scheme and actively encourages us to use alternative transport means. its more for the stubborn buggers who want to drive or need to drive to get to work

If some people insist on using cars when there is no real need, then in one sense why bother to help them. They've made a problem for themselves.

Put in more bike shelters and more showers for those that cycle and explain that there is nothing you can do about the parking, as the restrictions are there to help reduce commuting.

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Good, I don't want a parking scheme on my street.Oh lovely.and removing parking is improving things how? If there are schemes, residents will mostly just pay for the permit. How does this improve anything? Why should I pay to park outside my house or on a side street thanks to peak hour urban clearway...

On my street we now do not have hoards of commuters filling up all the spaces and the extra traffic as a result is no more. Although I disagree in many ways as to how the scheme was and is implemented, it is much nicer on our street now. The area one street away from me though is proabably really suffering as they are not inside scheme, despite being much closer to city centre than nearly 80% of the scheme.

Seeing as most people do not need cars to get to work, removing parking means they may have to get bus, cycle or heaven forbid walk.

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People are parking in your street, sadly because they've been moved away from streets were paying residents parking schemes have been implemented... What'll happen if the scheme comes into place:

- I'll have to pay for the parking of my car I use to drive to work in Maltby. I will NOT use public transport to go to Maltby and I've explained why before.

- Friends and family will not be able to park near me to come see me. Mother lives abroad and will NOT be using public transport for her thousand mile-ish journey.

- The OH's place of work is moving from town to Darnall and I won't be able to take her to town anymore. I carpool as it saves us money on the possible bus fare she'd have to pay. Because there is no decent bus from S7 to Darnall (the particular area around Darnall her work is moving to) she'll be getting her own car.


I'm sorry, nimby, don't want it next to my house. I'll have to move to continue leading the pleasant life I have now, I love the house and street I live in but won't be able to live in an area where parking is chargable.

I have not been to Ecclesall Road or thereabouts since the parking charges have been set up and do not intend on doing so in the near future. Why should I pay to park in the suburbs? The thought of paying to park on the street is offensive enough let alone in some out of town area or in front of my house.

I chose the quality of life you get from the suburbs you do not get when living in rabbit huts like WestOne and would rather keep that than loose it.

Seeing as most people do not need cars to get to work
that's an entirely personal opinion, you don't know their circumstances and more importantly their preferences. Yes, choice is the most important. The schemes strip choices from people.


Sheffield: Where everyone matters is says on their website.

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I know someone who works on Fargate and parks on Sharrow View and walks there and back five days a week. I just wonder how far folk are prepared to walk every day to avoid using public transport or paying for convenient parking.


My son lives on Machon Bank Rd and I've noticed that its getting harder to park there. I think that a parking scheme is the only answer, the S11 one has worked well, albeit by pushing many parkers into S7. Surely if it was extended to S7 folk would then get the message. I don't mind paying 20p when I visit my son if it means keeping long term none resident parkers away from the area.


I live in Totley and have noticed four cars arrive at the shops on Totley Rise, three park up and the drivers get into the fourth car and it then proceeds in the direction of the city centre. I wonder what the odds would be of that car ending up being parked for the day in S7. The shopkeepers on Totley Rise are struggling for business because there is rarely any space for shoppers to park, I wouldn't mind a parking scheme in some parts of Totley.

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I live in Totley and have noticed four cars arrive at the shops on Totley Rise, three park up and the drivers get into the fourth car and it then proceeds in the direction of the city centre. I wonder what the odds would be of that car ending up being parked for the day in S7. The shopkeepers on Totley Rise are struggling for business because there is rarely any space for shoppers to park, I wouldn't mind a parking scheme in some parts of Totley.
and that's the problem with these schemes - it's all stick and no carrot. They simply shunt the problem around (in addition to all the absurdities they introduce to residents lives). They do very very little to actually address or change the reason behind the perceived problem.
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People are parking in your street, sadly because they've been moved away from streets were paying residents parking schemes have been implemented
Actually if you read my post more carefully, you'll notice I am in the scheme not outside of it.

And as I also said although I am mostly better off with scheme, I still think some of the implementations are really stupid. For example my OH works 35miles away, leaves house at 7am and returns about 6pm and she still has to buy a permit.:loopy:


And most people do not need cars to get to work, want to drive is quite different. A small percentage will genuinely need their car, but most do not. And when Sheffield had a good cheap bus service, people did not bother with cars so much.

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If some people insist on using cars when there is no real need, then in one sense why bother to help them. They've made a problem for themselves.

Put in more bike shelters and more showers for those that cycle and explain that there is nothing you can do about the parking, as the restrictions are there to help reduce commuting.


My employer has done this. Its just the building I work in employes a large amount of people and theres VERY little onsite parking (even though they have bought spaces from other parking areas there still isnt enough to hold everyone)


As mentioned before, these drivers dont mind paying the premium of driving to work, they mind the fact that they have to get up every 2 to 4 hours and not only pay for additional parking but finding another space in their 10 minute breaks - if they even are allowed a 10 minute breaks as some teams do not have this luxury. You cant always time things down to the hour to make sure youre outside in time to move your car. Its the fact that work overall is being disrupted is why this issue is being explored (BTW Im with that as a driver its their burden to bare if they chose to drive to work and not have a space, but everyone agreed my employer should find a middle ground to satisfy those who have to wait for onsite parking)


Im only asking these questions here (and not trying to spark a debate whether its best to drive or use alternate means) as I need to present information to a director at work and have them present it to the council as finding a middle ground between the two.


Like mentioned earlier, my building is big on not being a single driver to work, they encourage bus use and bicycling and participate in the bike scheme, its just helping out those who havent been here long enough to earn a spot as there is a 6 year waiting list to get a spot on site. The minions (;)) in the lower ranks are trying to find a compromise between the two and making things fair and less frustrating.


If the ideas Ive presented have been discussed than so be it, if they havent I would like to know if others have felt they would be useful to them as having outside opinions would be helpful.



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The council are asking for residents views on the "success" of this scheme, with a view to extending it.

Any one who doesn't want to pay for the privelage of parking in their street or somewhere near it had better register their objection, as one vote in favour will outweigh 50 against.


Does anyone know when the council are going to publish the results of this review of the scheme? If I remember correctly the deadline for submitting comments was the end of May

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