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I'm curious as to when West Street was a thriving shopping area. As long as I've been in Sheffield it's been a place where people go for a drink with the occasional shop along the road, it's hardly been a shopping destination .


The simple answer to that is before 1993 or thereabouts when it was all dug up to put the tram lines in. A lot of the shops didn't last much longer after that.

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The simple answer to that is before 1993 or thereabouts when it was all dug up to put the tram lines in. A lot of the shops didn't last much longer after that.


My recollection was that West St was quite down at heel before Supertram. Post Supertram it is vastly improved and it's a very pleasant place to be.


I have to disagree with the assertions that there are no shops and no parking, there are quite a few very good shops up there and there is plenty of parking available on West St and surrounding streets.

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I think that your recollection is somewhat hazy Planner1 ;)


I think not, I worked in that vicinity, at City Plaza, for several years around that time. I think it's been vastly improved since Supertram and everyone I speak to thinks the same.


Some people view the past through rose tinted specs.

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I'm curious as to when West Street was a thriving shopping area. As long as I've been in Sheffield it's been a place where people go for a drink with the occasional shop along the road, it's hardly been a shopping destination .

Now even if all the shops have been replaced by bars + restaurants, surely that is still going to attract people in, so either way it's hardly going to be soulless or empty, though it may alter the time of visits.

Though what has always been noticable is how quiet it's always been on Saturdays or during University Holidays as due its location, students provide much of the footfall down the road.



During the late 1960's when I had weekly visits on a Friday to the speech therapy dept at the children’s hospital if it was a warm day my mother and I would sometimes walk back into town along west st / glossop road, in those not too distant days it was still a shopping centre with grocers, fish mongers , coblers , green grocers plus various other shops

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During the late 1960's when I had weekly visits on a Friday to the speech therapy dept at the children’s hospital if it was a warm day my mother and I would sometimes walk back into town along west st / glossop road, in those not too distant days it was still a shopping centre with grocers, fish mongers , coblers , green grocers plus various other shops


You can still get everyting you could buy from the shops you mention at the shops which are on there now, AND, instead of everything shutting at 5.30 and it being deserted, there are plenty of eateries and bars to ensure there is an evening and night time economy in that area. People also live there, so it's now a much more vibrant place than it was.

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The simple answer to that is before 1993 or thereabouts when it was all dug up to put the tram lines in. A lot of the shops didn't last much longer after that.
I've been in Sheffield since 1980 and am struggling to remember all those shops that were supposedly there and I used to live on Gell St, just off West Street. I always though of West street as a road one walked down, to get to the proper shops and certainly not as a shopping area in it's own right. Though there have always been the odd shop in street I used


During the late 1960's when I had weekly visits on a Friday to the speech therapy dept at the children’s hospital if it was a warm day my mother and I would sometimes walk back into town along west st / glossop road, in those not too distant days it was still a shopping centre with grocers, fish mongers , coblers , green grocers plus various other shops
All streets in Sheffield have changed since then with many shops closing down, new ones opening, some moving around corner like Blackwells Bookshop and as said above you can probably buy most of those things still and possibly more as you couldn't buy computer kit for example on West Street in the days before the tram. Think of all the mobile phone shops that now take up half of Fargate as a good example of how things change.
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