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Sharrowvale Parking Scheme - new thread

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Bear in mind that that was the first year of the scheme and so infrastructure costs may have been included.


The newspaper report says that 4 'wardens' are employed on the scheme, and I can't believe that even Sheffield City Council would pay a parking attandant - enforcement jobsworth (whatever), £100,00 a year.


I would imagine that with on-costs a PW would cost about £35,000 (inc pension etc), a car would be £15,000 max, tickets perhaps £5000, therefore costs would be £160,000. Which is more than was raised from the meters themselves.



Can I ask where you got your figures from? It is just that I am awaiting the response from a Freedom of Information Act request (which is now overdue) which was asking for a complete breakdown of costs.


Why, Litotes do you find it necessary to be so insulting about people who are doing what is actually a valuable and worthwhile job. If you saw the report in the media about 3 years ago about what happened in St Albans when the police withdrew the Traffic Wardens and the local authority had not completed its application to DfT for the enforcement powers in time, you would perhaps change your tune.


There was absolute gridlock because people were parking wherever they liked, as they knew there was no enforcement happening.


Whatever your views of the residents parking schemes, it is surely not necessary and its certainly not clever to make such insulting remarks.

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The costs don't include the set up costs and break down like this:


The costs of operating the scheme are as follows:


Operational Enforcement £133,448

Permit Administration £35,244

PCN Processing £40,360

Supervision & Management £60,774

Maintenance* £51,088

Premises* £9,610

Transport* £10,250

Supplies & Services* £35,545

Central & Departmental Support* £31,947


Total Expenditure £418,266


Pay & Display Income (On Street) £251,550

Pay & Display Income (Off Street) £4,751

Permit Income £100,293

Penalty Charge Income £231,169


Total Income £587,763


I got the information using the Freedom of Information Act.


* means the costs are extrapolated

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My main point was their pretentious titles.


They are parking wardens - but are they called that????? I think not.


Also, no-one I know has received any leniency from them, despite the government indicating that they should give a few minutes leeway etc. That, in my mind makes them 'jobsworths'.


You give one example of 'a valuable and worthwhile job"


Can I give some alternative opinions -


"Police launched an investigation today into an alleged parking swindle by traffic wardens in Westminster.

Attendants are accused of trapping motorists by putting “out-of-order" stickers on working meters — allowing drivers to park free — then later removing them and issuing fines"




"THREE traffic wardens have been reprimanded after leaving their car at a bus stop while they went off to issue tickets to other errant drivers. "




Can I suggest that you have your right to your opinion, and I have my right - our opinions differ... so be it.

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The costs don't include the set up costs and break down like this:


The costs of operating the scheme are as follows:


Operational Enforcement £133,448

Permit Administration £35,244

PCN Processing £40,360

Supervision & Management £60,774

Maintenance* £51,088

Premises* £9,610

Transport* £10,250

Supplies & Services* £35,545

Central & Departmental Support* £31,947


Total Expenditure £418,266


Pay & Display Income (On Street) £251,550

Pay & Display Income (Off Street) £4,751

Permit Income £100,293

Penalty Charge Income £231,169


Total Income £587,763


I got the information using the Freedom of Information Act.


* means the costs are extrapolated


Ahhh, what it really means is that there are 4 wardens (or whatever they are called), 1 full time person on permits, 1 supervisor and probably 0.5 FTE on PCNs.


4 people doing the work, and 2.5 people doing admin?????????????? - mind you, it is SCC.



I am still waiting for my FOI request to be processed.

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My main point was their pretentious titles.


They are parking wardens - but are they called that????? I think not.


Also, no-one I know has received any leniency from them, despite the government indicating that they should give a few minutes leeway etc. That, in my mind makes them 'jobsworths'.


You give one example of 'a valuable and worthwhile job"


Can I give some alternative opinions -


"Police launched an investigation today into an alleged parking swindle by traffic wardens in Westminster.

Attendants are accused of trapping motorists by putting “out-of-order" stickers on working meters — allowing drivers to park free — then later removing them and issuing fines"




"THREE traffic wardens have been reprimanded after leaving their car at a bus stop while they went off to issue tickets to other errant drivers. "




Can I suggest that you have your right to your opinion, and I have my right - our opinions differ... so be it.


The "pretentious titles" as you call them are hardly their fault! The Traffic Management Act which came into force on 31 March 2008, re-named them "Civil Enforcement Officers". This recognised that they are enforcing civil law rather than criminal law. What's pretentious about that?


As far as leniency is concerned, the standard procedures in most authorities, where permit bays or pay & display bays are concerned is to observe for up to 5 minutes before issuing a Penalty Charge Notice. This is mainly to check if loading activity is occurring, but it does also allow a short time for example to obtain a visitor permit or purchase a ticket.


It is not surprising that the examples of mal practice that you have quoted occurred in London, where many of the CEOs are employed by private companies. In all 4 South Yorkshire authorities, the CEOs are directly employed. This means that the salaries are slightly higher and as a result a better standard of candidate is attacted into the recruitment process. I would very much doubt that any of the practices you have quoted will be witnessed here in Sheffield or indeed in Rotherham, Barnsley or Doncaster.


I would however mention (whilst not condoning parking an enforcement vehicle in a bus stop clearway), that there is an exemption for enforcement vehicles in most of the Traffic Regulation Orders. Without this, practical enforcement would be made much more difficult.

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Wallasey is in London???


Of course not but I think you will find that Westminster is in London. The article about Wallasey bears out what I said about the enforcement staff being employed by a private company - in this case NCP. I rest my case.

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Why, Litotes do you find it necessary to be so insulting about people who are doing what is actually a valuable and worthwhile job. If you saw the report in the media about 3 years ago about what happened in St Albans when the police withdrew the Traffic Wardens and the local authority had not completed its application to DfT for the enforcement powers in time, you would perhaps change your tune.


There was absolute gridlock because people were parking wherever they liked, as they knew there was no enforcement happening.


Whatever your views of the residents parking schemes, it is surely not necessary and its certainly not clever to make such insulting remarks.

Their job is not valuable and certianly not worthwihle. The money spent to pay these characters' wages could be used to pay for more road sweepers? A bit of tarmac? Most of the jobsworths (thanks Litotes) park illegally to issue fines and if people were smart, they get these cancelled as a result :) The parking police are not an emergency service and are not permitted to park like cow boys. Looking at them in the evenings outside the house, they are in fact, guilty of illegal parking more often than those they fine. You know the right thing is not have supplementary attendance to monitor the schemes; remove the schemes, make the poor, experienced, educated parking police redundant to make our 200 quid a month worth it.
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Most of the jobsworths (thanks Litotes) park illegally to issue fines and if people were smart, they get these cancelled as a result :) The parking police are not an emergency service and are not permitted to park like cow boys. Looking at them in the evenings outside the house, they are in fact, guilty of illegal parking more often than those they fine.


Wrong. If you read post #718, you'd know that Parking Attendants are exempt from most traffic regulation orders, so, they aren't parked illegally at all.

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