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Sharrowvale Parking Scheme - new thread

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Their job is not valuable and certainly not worthwhile.

A few years back, supposedly as a cost cutting measure, a new Conservative council got rid of every parking warden in my Mum and Dads home town (Kettering).


Cue total gridlock round schools, the shopping centre and the General Hospital as everyone knew they could get away with parking just where they wanted, including pavements, school playing fields and the pedestrianised shopping centre.


The first outcome was the council had to ban blue badge holders from entering the pedestrianised town centre as they had no staff to enforce the existing parking rules that were in place. Around hospitals the police who should be doing more important jobs were now trying to keep the ambulance routes clear of parked cars.


The situation is still like that now, currently Kettering has no parking control so the burden still falls on the local police force who now have to go round the schools at 3pm moving on parents who park dangerously and block junctions (and Ive seen them get some right abuse from the parents for their efforts)


As of November 2008, residents who welcomed the removal of parking wardens are demanding that some form of parking control be brought back so that they can at least park somewhere close to there houses, and drive down their own streets. The council have said this can only be funded by implementing residents parking schemes, but these have already been voted against be the same residents.


So it’s now a total mess, but I suppose you could look at it as a very clever way to persuade people to walk and cycle more.

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Yes it is.


Why should they be exempt? They should face the same problems as the rest of the motoring world, them maybe they wouldn't be so trigger happy and wouldn't lay in wait for a ticket to become expired by a couple of minutes so they can issue a ticket, thus ensuring their quota!


Because it isn't an efficient way to work. If they have to drive around looking for "legal" places to park, people who park illegally and deserve a ticket will have the opportunity to get away with it.


As you've been told times many, drivers are usually given 5 minutes to return before being ticketed and the parking attendants do not have quotas.

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Perhaps YOU should listen to what the people are saying instead of trying to browbeat us with the party line, sheffield people are not stupid and know when the wool is being pulled over their eyes


No, they aren't stupid and I'm sure they can see right through your nonsense!

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Well i stand by my comment and would happily invite feedback from my peers on here :hihi:


im with you 100% mate ,but all you get from planner is the same old quotes. anyone who disagrees with him quoting the handbook is shot down and accused of being stupid. he seems to think everybody who is against the councils barmy anti car parking restrictions is wrong and HE is right. but common sense and sheffield council can hardly be accused of being peas of the same pod .

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im with you 100% mate ,but all you get from planner is the same old quotes. anyone who disagrees with him quoting the handbook is shot down and accused of being stupid. he seems to think everybody who is against the councils barmy anti car parking restrictions is wrong and HE is right. but common sense and sheffield council can hardly be accused of being peas of the same pod .


And don't we just get the same "anti-car" rant from you, with nothing to back it up?


Remember, there would be no need for restrictions if there weren't too many cars wanting to be in the same place and drivers didn't park inconsiderately.

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Remember, there would be no need for restrictions if there weren't too many cars wanting to be in the same place and drivers didn't park inconsiderately.
There wouldn't be problem if there was enough parking in the first place. Whilst Mr Benn is somewhat annoying with his Barnsley this, Barnsley that, he has a point, you appear like a handbook/statistic machine... I have told you this before and I believe it is because you do not appear to be posting like a 'person' that councils (such as ours) cannot do good things, they're stuck in their jobsworth mode.
Cue total gridlock round schools, the shopping centre and the General Hospital as everyone knew they could get away with parking just where they wanted, including pavements, school playing fields and the pedestrianised shopping centre.


The first outcome was the council had to ban blue badge holders from entering the pedestrianised town centre as they had no staff to enforce the existing parking rules that were in place. Around hospitals the police who should be doing more important jobs were now trying to keep the ambulance routes clear of parked cars.


The situation is still like that now, currently Kettering has no parking control so the burden still falls on the local police force who now have to go round the schools at 3pm moving on parents who park dangerously and block junctions (and Ive seen them get some right abuse from the parents for their efforts)


As of November 2008, residents who welcomed the removal of parking wardens are demanding that some form of parking control be brought back so that they can at least park somewhere close to there houses, and drive down their own streets. The council have said this can only be funded by implementing residents parking schemes, but these have already been voted against be the same residents.


So it’s now a total mess, but I suppose you could look at it as a very clever way to persuade people to walk and cycle more.

From your description I'm not seeing any problem; no blue badges, parking near schools, all good! If there is gridlock as you describe then the same council should look into providing adequate parking (same goes for Sheffield and the ridiculous parking facilities around hospitals). Funding parking wardens by residents schemes is an excuse to implement them, it is lazy, unimaginative councils, jobsworth who simply can't do things if they get more.


Bad parking is usually done by the same people, look around a kebab house around 11 at night. How many times have you seen someone mention Abbeydale Road delivery lorries outside that Halal butchers? Taxis on Wolsley Road?

Because it isn't an efficient way to work. If they have to drive around looking for "legal" places to park, people who park illegally and deserve a ticket will have the opportunity to get away with it.


As you've been told times many, drivers are usually given 5 minutes to return before being ticketed and the parking attendants do not have quotas.

We just don't believe that wardens do that. I even believe they only ticket cars from owners they think will pay the ticket. It is not unheard of to see wardens ticketing some cars on one stretch of road and not others; why because some of these will never pay. I'm sorry, that's on.
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There wouldn't be problem if there was enough parking in the first place.
Are you going to magic up bigger and wider roads then?

Or alternatively reducing unnecesasay overusage of cars increasing parking, hmm just like the Sharrowvale scheme attempts to. Though I strongly disagree with how it was implemented, but it certainly does have benefits compared to before. For me anyway, but sadly not for the next street along as they are far worse off.



Bad parking is usually done by the same people
The parking scheme was done to limit commuter parking not bad parking, which is a completely different issue.



I even believe they only ticket cars from owners they think will pay the ticket. It is not unheard of to see wardens ticketing some cars on one stretch of road and not others; why because some of these will never pay. I'm sorry, that's on.
Yeah that's almost certainly true as it's sooooo easy to tell who will pay and who won't! :loopy:
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