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Sharrowvale Parking Scheme - new thread

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Hi Planner1, sharrow st never was a problem for me when I was living there, and it wasn't that long ago by the way!!! and now thanks to this "brilliant scheme" it is a problem if I want to go around to visit friends or shopping.


I go to work by car, it takes me around 30 mins to go and 45 to come back. The only few times that I HAD TO go by public transport it took me almost two hours to go from door to door, including taking two buses and a train, waiting in the cold and rain.... and it cost me more than twice, Ahhh and I also had to paid full price for the train... even tough I could not sit down!


For me using public transport is not a good option! and traffic gets worst and worst everyday.... why??? you tell me...


So is it a problem to pay 20p per hour or get a visitor permit from your friend (which costs 20p for the full day)??????


It may not have been a problem for you, but for others it might have been different. Some accept commuter / shopper parking as a hazard of living in a vibrant area, to others it's a blight on their lives.


Public transport isn't the right thing for everyone, but there are many many people who could travel by more sustainable means at least some of the time.


Car ownership and usage continues to rise, more cars = more delays.

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so people who choose to drive are selfish then? wouldnt catch me on a cycle -too many 4x4"s with big bull bars on the road:D
Those who do without regard to others are yes.

Muppets in Vectras are no different from muppets in 4x4s. Besides Bull bars are not even in fashion anymore.

I have a car, but choose to walk or ride a bike most of the time. Easier and faster than using a car.

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I go to work by car, it takes me around 30 mins to go and 45 to come back. The only few times that I HAD TO go by public transport it took me almost two hours to go from door to door, including taking two buses and a train, waiting in the cold and rain.... and it cost me more than twice, Ahhh and I also had to paid full price for the train... even tough I could not sit down!
Where do you live and work that takes 2 buses and a train to reach?


For me using public transport is not a good option! and traffic gets worst and worst everyday.... why??? you tell me...
Well public tranport has been crippled by the idiot Conservatives and left to rot by the equally idiotic New Conservati...,sorry New Labour party and because everyone drives to work on roads that cannot cope with the capacity. Duh!

And most of them do not even need to. I know a chap who lives near the outer ring road by Graves Park and works in an office in town centre. He has a motorbike, car and bicycle and could catch a bus. The bicycle is the fastest way to commute, despite the hills and distance away from town. So if he can do it [and he's approaching 50] from thar far out, most people in Shefield could make do without their cars.

So unless you live a silly way from work, like my OH does [35miles], a car is not a necessity, just a luxury. And both she + I would rather she worked closer, but sadly not an option at present.

And if less people drove/more used public transport, the travel times for all will drop.

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Those who do without regard to others are yes.

Muppets in Vectras are no different from muppets in 4x4s. Besides Bull bars are not even in fashion anymore.

I have a car, but choose to walk or ride a bike most of the time. Easier and faster than using a car.


the green police have cycles as transport then?:hihi::hihi:

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And if less people drove/more used public transport, the travel times for all will drop.


And if they made Ecclesall Road a motorway the travel times would also drop...


But they won't upgrade the public transport to one which is a viable alternative, or the road...

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6% of people think parking has improved - which to the council is a valid majority!




The Area Board report (see: http://www.sheffield.gov.uk/your-city-council/council-meetings/planningboards/citycentresouthandeast/agendas-2008/agenda-17th-november-2008 ) states:


4.4 When asked if the parking scheme had improved parking on their road, within the existing scheme boundary: 45% agreed. 41% disagreed. 10% were not sure. 4% did not state.



So where do you get your 6% from?

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The Area Board report (see: http://www.sheffield.gov.uk/your-city-council/council-meetings/planningboards/citycentresouthandeast/agendas-2008/agenda-17th-november-2008 ) states:


4.4 When asked if the parking scheme had improved parking on their road, within the existing scheme boundary: 45% agreed. 41% disagreed. 10% were not sure. 4% did not state.



So where do you get your 6% from?

the 6% were in prision for commiting the shocking crime of parking in the wrong place :hihi::hihi:

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4.4 When asked if the parking scheme had improved parking on their road, within the existing scheme boundary: 45% agreed. 41% disagreed. 10% were not sure. 4% did not state.



So where do you get your 6% from?


Glad you asked....



45% of respondants...


1,482 people responded to the questionnaire - 19% percent of those sent a copy.


Since legislation mean that non-responders cannot be counted as voting for or against, the figures come from 45% of 19% = 6% give or take a few decimals...

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