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Sharrowvale Parking Scheme - new thread

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Those who do without regard to others are yes.

Muppets in Vectras are no different from muppets in 4x4s. Besides Bull bars are not even in fashion anymore.

I have a car, but choose to walk or ride a bike most of the time. Easier and faster than using a car.


What do you use your car for, a recycling trip to Tesco perhaps, without doing any shopping like many recyclers? Or are you one of those folk that drives through The Peak National Park on weekends and bank holidays at a constant 30 mph holding everyone else up?


Maybe the school trip, clogging up the roads, illegally parking on double yellow lines or infront of someones drive, producing a generation of overweight unfit kids who will need a car to go 100 yards when they grow up, just because its deemed unsafe for them to walk to school.


Seriously though, as you are so anti car why can't you manage without one? You can do on-line shopping and either pay for heavy purchases to be delivered or use free delivery retailers. You sound like one of those holier than thou Americans who is totally ani gun ownership, but still keeps one in the bed side cabinet, just in case.

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planner 1 says the council is not anti car but admits the council follows the government guidelines of giving priority to buses. so by doing this the council is obviously anti car. they cant have it both ways

I think they'd say they were pro-choice.

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i think Captain_Scarlet's point was, why should we have to pay £36 a year to park outside our own house? if it was £5 then it would be ok, that would have covered the admin costs (cost of printing permits, postage, time spent issuing ect) so the rest is just pure profit to the council

If you read post #715 on this thread, you'll see the costs of running this schme:


Operational Enforcement £133,448

Permit Administration £35,244

PCN Processing £40,360

Supervision & Management £60,774

Maintenance* £51,088

Premises* £9,610

Transport* £10,250

Supplies & Services* £35,545

Central & Departmental Support* £31,947


Total Expenditure £418,266


Pay & Display Income (On Street) £251,550

Pay & Display Income (Off Street) £4,751

Permit Income £100,293

Penalty Charge Income £231,169


Total Income £587,763

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I think they'd say they were pro-choice.


and the majority of people choose to drive- which the council hate and try their best to make it as impossible as they can for cars to drive on sheffields roads. the council are not pro- choice -they bend over backwards to help buses,ie all those stupid bus lanes,while trying to get people out of their cars. thats not pro choice ,thats a definate bias towards buses.

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Ok we CHOOSE to use our cars, but thats the wrong choice in the council's eyes, so they will peanalise us for that choice, hardly pro-chice as you put it!!


I think they'd contend that they are levelling the playing field.


What you aren't recognising is that your choices have impacts. The Council is having to look at the long term development of the city and, if the expected numbers of new jobs are generated in the city centre, they are well aware that there will be significant problems on the road network if they all make the same choice as you.


The Council are doing the best they can to promote viable alternatives.

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If you read post #715 on this thread, you'll see the costs of running this schme:


Operational Enforcement £133,448

Permit Administration £35,244

PCN Processing £40,360

Supervision & Management £60,774

Maintenance* £51,088

Premises* £9,610

Transport* £10,250

Supplies & Services* £35,545

Central & Departmental Support* £31,947


Total Expenditure £418,266


Pay & Display Income (On Street) £251,550

Pay & Display Income (Off Street) £4,751

Permit Income £100,293

Penalty Charge Income £231,169


Total Income £587,763


Ok, lets break this one down a bit shall we


Operational Enforcement £133,448---we already have this, so that cost is already there, therefor irrelivent

Permit Administration £35,244 agreed

PCN Processing £40,360, already in place before parking schemes in place

Supervision & Management £60,774, already in place

Maintenance* £51,088 already in place

Premises* £9,610 already in place

Transport* £10,250already in place

Supplies & Services* £35,545 already in place

Central & Departmental Support* £31,947 already in place


Total Expenditure £35,244


Pay & Display Income (On Street) £251,550

Pay & Display Income (Off Street) £4,751

Permit Income £100,293

Penalty Charge Income £231,169


Total Income £587,763


Net PROFIT then of £552,519

Care to tell us how 1/2 million quid being spend on any improvements to the transoprt infrastructure that shows a clear benifit to either car or bus users??

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I think they'd contend that they are levelling the playing field.


What you aren't recognising is that your choices have impacts. The Council is having to look at the long term development of the city and, if the expected numbers of new jobs are generated in the city centre, they are well aware that there will be significant problems on the road network if they all make the same choice as you.


The Council are doing the best they can to promote viable alternatives.


thats the best excuse of being anti-car ive ever heard. surely if the council were trying to level the playing field they will provide us drivers with car only lanes then ,so we dont have to share with all those big SLOW buses .

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