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Sharrowvale Parking Scheme - new thread

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A very short observation....Planner1 - Are you highlighting the totally inadequate cycle lanes in this city as evidence that the council (whichever party holds the reins) seriously address alternative modes of transport? I don't want to steer this debate into the usual car v cyclist debate (it's been done to death) but if you're not already, may I suggest doing a spot of cycling round the city and witness the botched job that has been made of provision for safer cycling.

I've commented on this before but the cycle lanes on the whole are very badly implemented/designed. It seems by someone who has never used a bike you would think, judging by the mess they are in.

Like the parking scheme, good idea, crappy implementation.

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Because, overall more people benefit. If you weren't so remarkably selfish you would understand the concept.

Me, me, me, me, me, me is all you get from the ranting drivers on this thread over last few days. Me, me, me, me, me, me. Try considering other people for a change. A car is a privilege not a right.

:loopy: Obviously you've not noticed all those handy little roads and motorways all around the country then?


the motorists pay through the nose for the benifit of using the roads yet all we get is councils trying to drive us off them and the green brigade telling us we are killing our planet blah blah blah. well im sorry but us motorists pay a hell of a lot of tax in to the pot and will not be bullied by the green police . when others IEcyclists pay the same to use our roads as drivers do ill consider their point of view ,until then they have no say as they dont contribute nothing.

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the motorists pay through the nose for the benifit of using the roads yet all we get is councils trying to drive us off them and the green brigade telling us we are killing our planet blah blah blah. well im sorry but us motorists pay a hell of a lot of tax in to the pot and will not be bullied by the green police . when others IEcyclists pay the same to use our roads as drivers do ill consider their point of view ,until then they have no say as they dont contribute nothing.
Cyclist do not even need roads you muppet, it's cars that do and not causing damage is one hell of a contribution, compared to the pollution, use of resorces and deaths caused by motor vehicles.

You are simply a selfish short sighted fool who struggles to see beyond the bonnet of your precious car.

As I said above it with drivers like you it's just me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me.

Try and consider other people for once.

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Actually a car isn't a privilege or a right: it's something people choose to have.

And the ability to choose/afford one is indeed a privilege of wealth


A large part of the world's population struggles to find/afford food to eat and people here whinge about not being able to park outside wherever they want to be as if it was a right.

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Cyclist do not even need roads you muppet, it's cars that do and not causing damage is one hell of a contribution, compared to the pollution, use of resorces and deaths caused by motor vehicles.

You are simply a selfish short sighted fool who struggles to see beyond the bonnet of your precious car.

As I said above it with drivers like you it's just me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me.

Try and consider other people for once.


blah blah blah yawn, all this green global warming garbage is wheeled out every time someone so much as dares to have a BBQ . people are sick of hearing it . if your worried about global warming get on to china . my gas guzzler does not even register compared to their poluting.leave us tax paying drivers to drive what ever we choose to drive and go and clean your push bike:thumbsup:

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And the ability to choose/afford one is indeed a privilege of wealth


A large part of the world's population struggles to find/afford food to eat and people here whinge about not being able to park outside wherever they want to be as if it was a right.


is college closed today ? dont you have some greenpeace march to arrange:D

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blah blah blah yawn, all this green global warming garbage is wheeled out every time someone so much as dares to have a BBQ . people are sick of hearing it . if your worried about global warming get on to china . my gas guzzler does not even register compared to their poluting.leave us tax paying drivers to drive what ever we choose to drive and go and clean your push bike:thumbsup:

I'm sure if a family member of yours was murdered and I said no point dealing with that as it's not important compared to the deaths and murders happening elsewhere, I doubt you'd be happy.

Just because worse is happening elsewhere doesn't mean you can get off.

Plus the best way to show China the error of our ways is to be better than them. They are simply copying what we do after all.


Besides as I do in fact pay vehicle tax [there is no road tax you ignorant numpty], you are talking nonsense. Again.

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