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Sharrowvale Parking Scheme - new thread

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is college closed today ? dont you have some greenpeace march to arrange:D

Assumptions. Only serve to show how little you know.

And how vacuous your arguments are resorting to ad hominen attacks.


Besides, maybe you should consider going back to junior school, as you obviously really struggle with reading and comprehension if you think I'm still at college.

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A very short observation....Planner1 - Are you highlighting the totally inadequate cycle lanes in this city as evidence that the council (whichever party holds the reins) seriously address alternative modes of transport? I don't want to steer this debate into the usual car v cyclist debate (it's been done to death) but if you're not already, may I suggest doing a spot of cycling round the city and witness the botched job that has been made of provision for safer cycling.


There are differing views on what is needed for "safer cycling". Many cyclists will tell you they don't need or want cycle lanes.


The Council try to get cycling provision put in whenever there is an opportunity ie, whenever they put a scheme in, whenever money can be obtiained from developers etc etc. That's why the cycle lane provision can look a bit patchy.

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Assumptions. Only serve to show how little you know.

And how vacuous your arguments are resorting to ad hominen attacks.


Besides, maybe you should consider going back to junior school, as you obviously really struggle with reading and comprehension if you think I'm still at college.


and personel attacks is not childish as well??

Everyone has the basic right to speak their mind and do as they please as long as its within the framework of the law, that also happens to include driving a car.

Please take your purile rants and go do them someware else, because all i have so far seen is a lot of assumptions and personel beliefs with nothing to back them up

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the motorists pay through the nose for the benifit of using the roads yet all we get is councils trying to drive us off them and the green brigade telling us we are killing our planet blah blah blah. well im sorry but us motorists pay a hell of a lot of tax in to the pot and will not be bullied by the green police . when others IEcyclists pay the same to use our roads as drivers do ill consider their point of view ,until then they have no say as they dont contribute nothing.


Fine use of the english language there.


What do you mean by "our roads". Do you think they belong to car drivers? If so you are very wrong.


What do you actually pay for using the road? NOTHING.

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Cyclist do not even need roads you muppet, it's cars that do and not causing damage is one hell of a contribution, compared to the pollution, use of resorces and deaths caused by motor vehicles.

You are simply a selfish short sighted fool who struggles to see beyond the bonnet of your precious car.

As I said above it with drivers like you it's just me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me.

Try and consider other people for once.






Are you "Green GOd" by any chance?


He or she caused a real stir last week on Sheffield Forum, had me in stitches at work.


If it was you, please place another wind up thread on :thumbsup:

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And you sound like a complete and utter moron, if you think that about me.

All of your above assumptions are remarkably incorrect and nothing like being close as all are the opposite of the reality.

I have a car for work usage and it's used for no other reason other for very occasional long journeys, when I don't use the train.


You are an agressive little little thing aren't you, I wager that you wouldn't dare say boo to a goose without the protection of your monitor.


Now please answer my completely and utterly moronic question, other than for work purposes and long journeys you say that you never use your car for say, recycling or shopping, is that really true ?


And to be even more moronic, if cars are so bad and you dislike them so much why did you get a job that requires you to drive one? Is it perhaps an invisible care that omits no carbon footprint when you drive it, or are you simply a hypocrite? You can't have it every way to suit you.

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Originally Posted by jezzyjj

And you sound like a complete and utter moron, if you think that about me.

All of your above assumptions are remarkably incorrect and nothing like being close as all are the opposite of the reality.

I have a car for work usage and it's used for no other reason other for very occasional long journeys, when I don't use the train.




Whoa, hang on, I'm not exactly Inspector Morse, but I think I've spotted a flaw in your argument..........and I quote.......I have a car for work usage and it's used for no other reason other for very occasional long journeys, when I don't use the train.........


Can I assume the reason people use their cars is because public transport is so poor?

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Fine use of the english language there.


What do you mean by "our roads". Do you think they belong to car drivers? If so you are very wrong.


What do you actually pay for using the road? NOTHING.





What steps have been introduced to encourage the use of pushbikes in SHeffield?


I accept that there are 20 meter stretches of cycles paths (ie at the bottom of Netherthorpe Road), however surely if the distance travelled is 20 meters, surely you may as well walk ?

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