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Sharrowvale Parking Scheme - new thread

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There are differing views on what is needed for "safer cycling". Many cyclists will tell you they don't need or want cycle lanes.


The Council try to get cycling provision put in whenever there is an opportunity ie, whenever they put a scheme in, whenever money can be obtiained from developers etc etc. That's why the cycle lane provision can look a bit patchy.


No regard as to whether one is needed in a particular place then? :)

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errrr ROAD TAX in 2 words :loopy::loopy:


Been no such thing for decades old boy. What you pay is Vehicle Excise Tax, a tax on your vehicle which is then spent on numerous sundry items. If the revenue from VEL is spent on roads it's a happy coincidence, nothing more. As for cyclists paying their way (and, once again, this has been done to death) most cyclists also have cars and as cycles are zero emission they would not attract any taxation. :P


'It's a Long Way to the Top if you wanna Rock n Roll'

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What steps have been introduced to encourage the use of pushbikes in SHeffield?


I accept that there are 20 meter stretches of cycles paths (ie at the bottom of Netherthorpe Road), however surely if the distance travelled is 20 meters, surely you may as well walk ?



Considerable amounts of infrastructure are in place all across the city. There are cycle lanes and paths at many many places.


There are also advanced stop lines at traffic signals and loads of cycle stands are put in at locations across the city. I know the Council do a lot of work with schools on cycle training and they've done a lot of work on school travel plans (providing secure cycle storage and lockers etc) to encourage pupils (and staff) to cycle to schoool.

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Considerable amounts of infrastructure are in place all across the city. There are cycle lanes and paths at many many places.


There are also advanced stop lines at traffic signals and loads of cycle stands are put in at locations across the city. I know the Council do a lot of work with schools on cycle training and they've done a lot of work on school travel plans (providing secure cycle storage and lockers etc) to encourage pupils (and staff) to cycle to schoool.

Its all very well doing all the groundwork, but without a proper infrastructure, its a bit pointless really, bit like teaching mountain climbing in Holland :loopy::loopy:

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Been no such thing for decades old boy. What you pay is Vehicle Excise Tax, a tax on your vehicle which is then spent on numerous sundry items. If the revenue from VEL is spent on roads it's a happy coincidence, nothing more. As for cyclists paying their way (and, once again, this has been done to death) most cyclists also have cars and as cycles are zero emission they would not attract any taxation. :P


'It's a Long Way to the Top if you wanna Rock n Roll'


it definatly aint spent on repairing the roads

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Yeah we should all be allowed to do whatever we want, whenever we want, regardless of how it may affect anyone else.


now who being silly. driving a car is totally legal ,and as so i can choose what i drive and how many miles i drive. its called freedom of choice my friend. and without the car this country would grind to a halt in ten minutes flat

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I'm sure if a family member of yours was murdered and I said no point dealing with that as it's not important compared to the deaths and murders happening elsewhere, I doubt you'd be happy.

Just because worse is happening elsewhere doesn't mean you can get off.

Plus the best way to show China the error of our ways is to be better than them. They are simply copying what we do after all.


Besides as I do in fact pay vehicle tax [there is no road tax you ignorant numpty], you are talking nonsense. Again.


are you for real ,since when has driving a car been the same as being murdered . get real .

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