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And the most effective (and nice) form of transport is the tram, but have the council expanded that?? no, what did they do, they flogged it, hows about that for looking to the future for sheffields wellbeing?

Given the choice i would use the tram any day, they are clean, on time and a pleasure to ride, not smelly bus's that pump out noxious fumes that this so called "green" council want to promote :loopy::loopy:


so all that blaCK smoke is actually the buses ? heres me think ing it was me in my 4x4:D:hihi::hihi::hihi:

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Ironic you use these phrases...


I think you are misusing thses metaphors.


In the 1500s, most of the world believed that the world was flat, and therefore it was heresy to suggest otherwise, and yet, now you use the arguement that as 90% of the world[']s scientists support the theory, it must be true.


At the moment, it is just that... a theory.


Hindsight will prove who was right.


I think that the precautionary principle should apply . If we wait to see who is right and do nothing then we could all be stuffed.The people of the Flat earth era did not have access to the science we have today.If your doctor tells you to stop smoking It is wise to follow the advice even if your old dad smoked 50 a day and lived to ninety or you could carry on and see what happens but if she is right and you end up with cancer then it's too late.

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And the most effective (and nice) form of transport is the tram, but have the council expanded that?? no, what did they do, they flogged it, hows about that for looking to the future for sheffields wellbeing?

Given the choice i would use the tram any day, they are clean, on time and a pleasure to ride, not smelly bus's that pump out noxious fumes that this so called "green" council want to promote :loopy::loopy:


I couldn't agree with you more.

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I think that the precautionary principle should apply . If we wait to see who is right and do nothing then we could all be stuffed.The people of the Flat earth era did not have access to the science we have today.If your doctor tells you to stop smoking It is wise to follow the advice even if your old dad smoked 50 a day and lived to ninety or you could carry on and see what happens but if she is right and you end up with cancer then it's too late.


god ,we are talking about driving a car -not dying of cancer . how on earth do you manage to compare the two?

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I think that the precautionary principle should apply . If we wait to see who is right and do nothing then we could all be stuffed.The people of the Flat earth era did not have access to the science we have today.If your doctor tells you to stop smoking It is wise to follow the advice even if your old dad smoked 50 a day and lived to ninety or you could carry on and see what happens but if she is right and you end up with cancer then it's too late.


But if your friend said put your fingers in a live electrical socket, but you didn't, instead you waited until someone else did, then it is proven better to have waited. etc etc etc


You can take your absurd arguments as far as you like, but can we get back to the thread please...

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And the most effective (and nice) form of transport is the tram, but have the council expanded that?? no, what did they do, they flogged it, hows about that for looking to the future for sheffields wellbeing?

Given the choice i would use the tram any day, they are clean, on time and a pleasure to ride, not smelly bus's that pump out noxious fumes that this so called "green" council want to promote :loopy::loopy:


Why do you blame the Council for everything?


The Council didn't promote the installation of Supertram, that was SYPTE. There was a company called South Yorkshire Supertram Ltd which ran it. Stagecoach now operate it. Council involvement - NONE.


SYPTE have asked the Government for funding to extend Supertram, but they've turned it down. SYPTE would still like to extend the tram network and they've just put in a funding bid for more trams.


The Government feel that buses offer better value for money than trams, so they've told SYPTE to bring forward bus schemes instead of light rail. That's why SYPTE have put in a major funding bid for a bus rapid transit network across South Yorkshire.

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Why do you blame the Council for everything?


The Council didn't promote the installation of Supertram, that was SYPTE. There was a company called South Yorkshire Supertram Ltd which ran it. Stagecoach now operate it. Council involvement - NONE.


SYPTE have asked the Government for funding to extend Supertram, but they've turned it down. SYPTE would still like to extend the tram network and they've just put in a funding bid for more trams.


The Government feel that buses offer better value for money than trams, so they've told SYPTE to bring forward bus schemes instead of light rail. That's why SYPTE have put in a major funding bid for a bus rapid transit network across South Yorkshire.


So, exactly what has the council done as far as public transport is concerned?


Stagecoach run the trams and the buses (under the guise of the First Group), the trains are privatised and the government is pushing buses as the solution.


You have previously said that Park and Ride schemes are outwith the council's remit, so it strikes me that all the council has done to support public transport is to implement parking schemes.


Not exactly joined up thinking and planning is it?

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MORE bus's?? OMG can no-one listen and understand, what this city needs is to be brought into the 21st centuary, not stuck rooted into the 1950's, please, if we are to grow as a city then at least expand the tram network to cover a lot more of sheffield, it will give people a reason to come here, spend money and enjoy it, look at manchester, a massive tram system!!!

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I do feel that if 25% of the effort used in creating a road system gridlock, or parking schemes was channelled (yes 25%) into creating solutions, we could largely remove alot of the traffic problems.


Just think what a difference it would make if only 10% of people used their bikes to travel short distance....... you say (Planner 1) that the infracstucture is there for cycle paths, so why are none of these cycle paths actually joined up?????? :suspect: someones having a laugh.

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