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Just a small point to raise here....so these 2 are competing companies...private companies, so why the hell are the tax paying people of sheffield paying for bus lanes for PRIVATE companies at the detrament of 60+% car usage n sheffield?


Is it me, or am i missing somthing here???


Public transport is operated by private companies, that's the way the Government wants it. It's still public transport.

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Just a small point to raise here....so these 2 are competing companies...private companies, so why the hell are the tax paying people of sheffield paying for bus lanes for PRIVATE companies at the detrament of 60+% car usage n sheffield?


Is it me, or am i missing somthing here???


good point . surely if the buses want their own lanes then the bus owners should pay for them

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Public transport is operated by private companies, that's the way the Government wants it. It's still public transport.


Owned by PRIVATE companies, so why in effect are we the tax payers in effect, subsidising private companies and helping them make even more profit from us???

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Public transport is operated by private companies, that's the way the Government wants it. It's still public transport.


yes its public transport not used by 60+% of people but 100% of the public have to pay for the bus lanes .i await planners defence of this fact

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Owned by PRIVATE companies, so why in effect are we the tax payers in effect, subsidising private companies and helping them make even more profit from us???


Public transport has been deregulated since 1986, taken you a while to think of that one hasn't it?


I thought you'd prefer it being run by the private sector because according to you, the public sector is run by a load of numptys......


Anyway, ask the Government, it's how they want it.


I'm sure they'll tell you that competition makes services more efficient and the private sector has all that expertise of course.

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Public transport has been deregulated since 1986, taken you a while to think of that one hasn't it?


I thought you'd prefer it being run by the private sector because according to you, the public sector is run by a load of numptys......


Anyway, ask the Government, it's how they want it.


I'm sure they'll tell you that competition makes services more efficient and the private sector has all that expertise of course.


And the goverment is aiding private companies against EU regulations, if they want bus lanes, and yes they ARE making a big profit, then fine, go spend their own money makin all these bus lanes.

Bet you the wouldn't in a million years

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yes its public transport not used by 60+% of people but 100% of the public have to pay for the bus lanes .i await planners defence of this fact


So where do you get that public transport is NOT used by 60%+ of people?


Someone said on here that 37% of Sheffielders don't have access to a car. That doesn't mean that the other 63% only ever use a car. Many people own a car but use public transport too.


If you want to start working out percentages, look a the overall road network and work out what percentage of it that the bus lanes occupy. It will be tiny. So car drivers aren't actually doing badly at all.

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So where do you get that public transport is NOT used by 60%+ of people?


Someone said on here that 37% of Sheffielders don't have access to a car. That doesn't mean that the other 63% only ever use a car. Many people own a car but use public transport too.


If you want to start working out percentages, look a the overall road network and work out what percentage of it that the bus lanes occupy. It will be tiny. So car drivers aren't actually doing badly at all.


be a lot better without those large smelly ,slow buses on the roads

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So where do you get that public transport is NOT used by 60%+ of people?


Someone said on here that 37% of Sheffielders don't have access to a car. That doesn't mean that the other 63% only ever use a car. Many people own a car but use public transport too.


If you want to start working out percentages, look a the overall road network and work out what percentage of it that the bus lanes occupy. It will be tiny. So car drivers aren't actually doing badly at all.


The point is tho, the tax's from these parking permit schemes are inadvertantly helping to pay for the increase in these bus lanes, when in fact, its the bus companies that should be paying for them themselves in the first place, car drivers get fined for going in a bus lane in the first place, now that would be an interesting test case to take to the EU law lords, im sure that once the whole sorry story came out about the goverment subsidising private business's then the proverbial would deffo hit the fan!!!

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