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New Gay Club To Open In Sheffield!

Pussy Cats

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This thread should be called the toxic bitch thread:hihi:


Seriously though with regards to people’s comments about the attitudes of the bar staff, just treat them with the same respect they treat you. If they’re a rude obnoxious blank to you give them their own poison back and if they’re nice and polite show them some appreciation and respect for having such a crap job..


For what its worth you can always leave feedback on the staff with management.

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How fantastic, you approve of bullying and people being nasty. What a lovely person you are.


I have no problem with thin, young camp boys, I was one once !!! :love: But the guys we are talking about are NASTY, they enjoy being horrid to people, they once made a friend of mine cry in Fuel when she was dancing and took the **** out her. The guy with the black hair got a gin and tonic over him from me. I have witnessed and being a victim of their evil, little comments so why would I want to just ignore them. School yard bullies need to be put in their place. Please,please don't let them take over this new bar.


As for being jealous :hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:



for goodness sake - obviously, you should realise the people behind the bar at fuel are working whilst you are in their as a customer, enjoying yourself. try putting the boot on the other foot. Also before you ask, no i dont work behind the bar at fuel, nor have i ever.


Also Stagewalker - please don't make such sweeping, idiotic statements in future - as a member of site admin, id have expected you to be more professional..


Much love xx

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Hi we have been watching the thread regarding the gay scence in sheffield, or the lack of it,


We are a company who manage a few publice houses and clubs in the midlands, we are now posting this to take your comments and suggestions of just what you want obviosly we provide the manpower and money you the customer provide the ideas not just another gay venue that opens its doors and hopes for the best !!


PUSSYCATS - is the venue name we have looked at many venues in sheffield one being the ex Fuel Club on eyre st, information was provided as to the plans for this site, and is being redeveloped to fit into the moor


We are looking at taking over what was Censord Rock, surrey st nr to the train station and bus routes, however if any body knows of any venues that have become vacant and would be a suitable venue then please get in touch.


we belive there are a few places that are gay venues,, F.A.B ,, Xes,, Dempseys.. do they offer what you want? do you feel safe?? and how easy is transport these key things help a club help its clients


once the right venue has been found the initial process will be to ask your veiws on what you the gay community want and to be able to achive this we will ask people with ideas to join us in the development of the venue and share there thoughts and interests.


We look forward to Bringing PussyCats Club to sheffield and hope the sheffield community welcome a club with a difference


good luck.its hard getting surport from sheffields gay community.they moan but never surport,new ideas and ventures/.to easy to say manchester .leeds,instead of making it happen at home on there own doorstep

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good luck.its hard getting surport from sheffields gay community.they moan but never surport,new ideas and ventures/.to easy to say manchester .leeds,instead of making it happen at home on there own doorstep

The problem is, the 'new' ideas are all very old. Having bi--chy queens behind the bar is very much a turn off for the vast majority of gay people. I just want to be in a bar full of like minded people. I've done the whole queen scene, worked on it and enjoyed it, but there's a difference between that and the constant b--ching which seems to be prevelant at the moment...I've been in aforementioned bars in Sheffield on so many occassions where the ONLY conversation that can be heard is the one where "John" has been calling "Mike" a useless lay, and not fit to run a p_ss up in a brewery and it's boring.

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Well quite frankly I'll be very surprised if Boho takes off as a gay club - I've watched that place over the years from when it was a manky old 70s decor pub (cant remember the name) - that closed eventually - to the spruced up 80s decor bar (cant remember the name) - that closed eventually - to the terndy interior decor 90s bar with occasional live music and piano player - classy but that closed eventually - to the trendy Boho restaurant - classy but that closed eventually - so now we'll see how it fares as "Affinity" - but the history not good - it suffers mianly cos not a lot of other bars restaurants in the area (Save Sanctuary and Wig & Pen - and those that are close mainly the weekends - hey Affinity might bring more business to Sanctuary (which Ive always looked on as a "mixed" bar) which I notice is struggling a bit recently. On other hand St Vincents is an up and coming quarter with lots apartments and potential crowd ..


I suppose its one saving grace unlike Fab is that its central and you dont risk being mugged (both by criminals and the taxi drivers for fare) - so it might just take off - I wish it luck !


The best way they can succeed in my opinion is make it *mixed* and not "Ghetto Gay" so it gets a wider customer base ... which should be the case for all modern central gay bars nowadays anyway - and not "ghetto" lurking out in attercliffe or carlisle st like they are some nasty dirty secret to be hidden away and thereby drawing all sorts of dodgy characters there including drugs etc - there you go I've said my piece and no doubt its controversial !


Having been involved with boho from day one until the day it closed, I think there's very little change of a gay bar succeeding in that area. The thing that kept us open for so long was the lunchtime trade - the high flying barristers, lawyers and other professional crowd in that area. Very few of those would dare step into a gay bar (I'm not homophobic, but it is the truth), and bang there goes most of your lunchtime trade. There is very little passing trade on an evening, and people aren't willing to go very far off the beaten track to go for a drink.


boho had a very good reputation, yet we struggled to get people through the doors. There are various reasons for that, but the biggest is the location. However had the building been leased out by an independent company, rather than Enterprise Inns there would have been a greater chance of success. They put a huge markup on their beer, and force you to purchase through them. Not only did that make it hard to get a selection of different beers in, but also impossible to make a profit. Then the cost of the rent... and it just didn't all add up in the end.


I think any restaurant in that location is going to struggle, you have to have the AMAZING reputation that the Wig & Pen does, as well as a solid client base who have been coming to your for years. boho didn't have that, and neither will "Affinity".


I hope something does eventually work in the building, and I wish anybody who tries the best of luck!

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Also Stagewalker - please don't make such sweeping, idiotic statements in future - as a member of site admin, id have expected you to be more professional..


....... and thats coming from you who has done nothing but bitch about everything, maybe you should be more professional in future.

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