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Remembering coles corner - part 2


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a couple of years ago i posted a thread (shown below). We are still looking for stories of people meeting at Coles - or infact just stories of how you met your partner - it doesnt have to be at coles corner. Some of these stories were collected and written up on that album - heres the original thread:


We are trying to find people who used to meet at coles corner and hear their stories. There is a sheffield singer called Richard Hawley http://www.richardhawley.co.uk who is releasing an album in September called Coles Corner. We would like to hear from anyone who has memories of meeting there - maybe meeting their future husband/wife etc or if anyone has pictures of themselves at Coles Corner they would be great to see. The album is a very romantic record and the song 'Coles Corner' is about going down town in the hope of meeting someone. There seems very little written about meeting there even though over the years hundreds of friendships and loves must have begun there. Any help would be great. thanks

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My nan and grandad met eachother at coles corner many times when they were going out. They actually first met at a dance at Cutlers Hall on VE Day though, and they're still together and still make eachother laugh 62 years later :) He says he liked the colour of her hair so he asked her to dance, she said yes, and they've never looked back since. They're the most romantic couple I know....I could talk about them til the cows come home :hihi:

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Years ago in about 1959 I went into Coles wearing a white dress with a black stripe and an orange cotton duster coat as was fashionable at the time with white stilletoe shoes. Very nice I thought I looked too.

I was just in time to catch the remark from one of the girls working on the cosmetic counter, " Hmm looks like a belisher beacon "



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