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Sheffield Independant Bookshops


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Therer are very few true independents around any more. They'll be listed in the Yellow Pages. But even the few that are around are wary of taking anything that's been self-published, for all sorts of reasons.


The majority of self-published books are SP because they're not good enough to be taken on by a "real" publisher (whether Big Five, or independent). They're also very unlikely to have been subjected to professional editing, or designing, and so the quality of the writing is poor; and most SP books are printed by POD technology which delivers books which physically don't do well out on shelves: their words smdge, their covers curl, and their pages fall out. And there will have to be an ISBN and a bar-code on the book, for which you'll have to pay--it's often an optional extra, but without these two things, there's not a bookshop around which will take stock.


A better option for the self-published is to find a niche for their work. So, for example, if it's a book about climbing, approach any one of the numerous climbing shops around here. Self-published fiction is a very difficult one to sell.



Finally, POD books are difficult to price at a competitive level. Usual terms: booksellers get at least 50% off the cover price, so if it's priced at £8, they buy it from you at £4, maximum.


Expect "returned" books to appear back with you minus their front covers, as it's often done to distinguish returns from other stock. They'll not be resaleable, even if the covers are left on, as they'll be too battered having spent months on the shelves.

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