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Tarot readers??

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I'm just wondering how many of the *non believers* have actually ever been to see a medium? or even a Spiritualists church.

I had a reading done by a lovely lady and a couple of the things she said were.


"there was 2 people actually fighting over him while he was laid dead".... yes there was 2 family members really did come to blows right over the top of him.


that's not generalisation that could apply to anyone. arguments and fights at the wake fair enough but right over the top of him as he laid on his death bed !!


" hes combing his hair and laughing saying ooo arnt i handsome. he had lots of hair " .... yes he did and that was always something he used to do and say.


" 2 times your life was turned upside down and nearly died " ... that's true as well i have had pneumonia and swine flu and have been on intensive care 2 times both they told my husband they didn't know if i would make it.


I didn't know this lady before hand and noway she could have known those things. They arnt your usual things that could apply to anyone. So where did she get this information from then if it wasn't Spirit?


I've been to both, several times, although the mediums were always with groups of people and not on an individual basis, when I have had a 'message' it has been, at best, and I consider I am being kind by saying that, very vague and could apply to anyone who was there.


I am afraid a few vague guesses isn't enough for me, provide evidence and I will be the first to stand up and say I was wrong, but that is yet to happen.

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I've been to both, several times, although the mediums were always with groups of people and not on an individual basis, when I have had a 'message' it has been, at best, and I consider I am being kind by saying that, very vague and could apply to anyone who was there.


I am afraid a few vague guesses isn't enough for me, provide evidence and I will be the first to stand up and say I was wrong, but that is yet to happen.

im totally with you on that, vague guesses arnt good enough for me either, thats why i can hand on heart say that there are some very good mediums out there. Dont give up just because you have seen a rubbish lot, keep going you will come across someone that will give you a messege that is so personal to you that it will remove your doubts :)

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im totally with you on that, vague guesses arnt good enough for me either, thats why i can hand on heart say that there are some very good mediums out there. Dont give up just because you have seen a rubbish lot, keep going you will come across someone that will give you a messege that is so personal to you that it will remove your doubts :)


Keep going where?


I've done a round of the Spiritulist Churches, been 20+ 'psychics' and emailed close to 100 people who claim to be able to communicate with the dead my questions with an explanation about them. 34 answered, all failed.


Why would I 'keep going' with that track record? I appreciate what you're saying but one thing made me a non believer and one thing alone.


That was those who claim spirit is true and that they had the ability to contact them.


When they react like robina does (and most do) playing the 'I don't have to defend myself' card when your not even attacking them it smacks of misdirection.


It amazes me how they don't have to defend themselves yet when they are faced with questions they think they can answer they are happy to answer them, I'm afraid those kinds of attitudes make the sceptics just that little bit more skeptical.


I started out (in my younger days) as a believer, the only thing that changed my mind was those offering the 'proof'. It sits on a very shallow level that when probed falls apart like a house of cards.


When my friends who do believe go I will probably continue to go with them, but actively seeking it out is well behind me. Any psychic that can convince me will have me singing their praises from the rooftops, but I have a feeling my feet will always be firmly on the ground.

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