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'Amadeus' at the Crucible


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Thoroughly enjoyed seeing this with my soon to be wife about 18 years ago. I'm pretty sure it was at The Crucible then.


You're right, it has been produced by The Crucible before, in 1986. I have very vivid memories of that production - I think Mozart was played by Steven Pimlott and Salieri was Martin Duncan, both of whom went on to direct memorable shows at the Crucible, and indeed both are very well regarded directors to this day.


EDIT: Well, I'm shocked. Having just written the above, I Googled for info on the two actors/directors I mentioned, and discoverd that Steven Pimlott died this year aged 53. I should add that he directed the single most fantastic show I've ever seen at the Crucible - 'Twelfth Night' in 1987.

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I thoroughly enjoyed last night's show. It was powerful and moving and on the whole the performances were superb. I got quite emotional during the death scene and I noticed a few other people surreptitiously dabbing at their eyes.


It was a shame the place was half empty, a real pity, although it is drawing to the end of the run so that may explain it.


I thought the central performances were great, especially Sallieri who is on stage for nearly every minute of the play.


I had problems with Constanza. It was decided that she speak broad Yorkshire and I'm afraid her lack of diction meant half of what she said was lost on me.


It was nice to spot a few familier faces from the television and elsewhere, does anyone remember Edmund Blackadder's brother from the original series?

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