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Story: 'An Unwanted Gift.' (2 versions)


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It flows along quite nicely. I'm not sure that that particular ending works, maybe "That was the last time I saw her..." could refer to your original ending or to the effects of the powder.

(How are you supposed to comment and not give the game away?)


Quite a nice pun in the title - sehr gut!

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Thank you, Hopman. Yes, I was dissatisfied with the conclusion as well. I ran out of inspiration towards the end, got fed up with it, and submitted it anyway! I might completely rework the latter part of the story some time, when (if) the muse returns!


Oh, and well spotted (title):thumbsup:

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"It was the following day that we received a phone call from the Nursing Home where Auntie lived. They apologised for mislaying our details and not being able to inform us, but Auntie had died three weeks ago and been cremated. They were sending us her ashes..."

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"It was the following day that we received a phone call from the Nursing Home where Auntie lived. They apologised for mislaying our details and not being able to inform us, but Auntie had died three weeks ago and been cremated. They were sending us her ashes..."


Or! The silly old sausage put the talc in the urn and the ashes in the talc box.:loopy:

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