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Is it just me or is Sheffield really quiet?

Matt S

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So what's going on? I think the quality of stuff in town is far better than the last few years, especially midweek, why does no-one go out? What do people want, or do people not want anything? This Sunday will be brilliant by the way Stormy, get yourself down.


Aye, Dirty South will be cracking for sure but Im having trouble finding anyone who hasnt got work on monday morning! If I make it down ill come say hello.


As for your question about what people want I agree with you, the quality of nights we're getting at the moment is better than ever before, i really cant say why its quiet, other than thats just the was it is round here! I think maybe people are just used to the fact that traditionally Sheffield is a very weekend city in terms of going out, maybe it just needs a bit of time before this attitude changes. Hopefully the nights will survive till then.

Although having said that Thursday always seems busy, yourselves are open, Plug is always heaving (feels like their biggest night in terms of numbers through the door out of any day) and im sure embrace and the Leadmill are open. Just could do with spreading it out a bit more over monday and tuesday.

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I think its the smoking ban thats making the centre really quiet.


Some friends and I went into town last night and West Street was really quiet apart from the places with smoking areas (heated, lol).


But now the nice weather has gone, the effects of the ban will be there for all to see.




Is smoking noisy then? Ive never heard it.

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Quiet? I've just come back from town on the tram. It was full at 10:15 ish, and West Street was packed with kids in fancy dress- it was great to see, reminded me of the good old pyjama jump days!


that will be the medics...... nice of em to inform everyone...:rolleyes: back to being quiet on sunday! :lol:

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