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Hurlfield School - any ex pupils?


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Yes i was there between 1972 and 1976, bit older than you then! It had a very bad reputation at the time and we heard some horror stories before we started going, but when you got used to it, it wasnt really a bad place. Ashleigh across the road used to think they were a bit above us, but there was good and bad at both schools. Made some lifelong friends there that i am still in touch with so it wasnt a bad prison sentence! What teachers do you remember?

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Oh blimey, now you're testing my memory : ) Mr Cox was the Head, nice bloke must admit, he wasn't the typical Mr Turton or Mr Houdmont (thank God!!). They were both there but I seem to remember at least one retiring before I left... not sure on that one. There was also Mrs Smith, very strict and upright, didn't take much grief before she exloded. I had a form teacher called Mr Jennings who was also one of the Phsics bods, he seemed weird at first but was a good laugh once you got to know him. There was also Mrs Matthews (PE), Mr Shutt (English), Mr Guest (RE), Mrs Kirkpatrick (Music), Mr Savage & Mr Deeks (French) there was also a married couple there, she did music and he taught RE/Sex Ed, can't recall their names. How can I forget... there was also Dennis Ashton who left teaching in schools and went on to do the Stardome which travelled around local schools which is how he ended up also teaching my daughter - bet that made him feel well old! : )

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Wow they are names from the past, a few i recognise as being there when i went. Mr Adams was the head, his deputy being the fearsome Mr Houdmont, he really was scary wasnt he? Mr Jennings, Mr Savage, Mrs Matthews and Mr Turton i remember. Were the married couple called Hartley, remember him teaching RE. Mr Moxon was the art teacher who went on to become the Head, couldnt see that happening at the time! My favourite teacher was Miss Jepson in the drama department, dont know if you knew her. I was in the drama group and my happiest times were spent messing about in the drama room. She taught my daughter at Intake School a few years ago and we had a nice chat about old times. Was the home economics teacher Mrs Woofe there, I had a real crush on her and she used to do the costumes for the school plays and remember the anticipation when she summoned me for a costume fitting! going red now!

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Yeah, completely forgot about Mrs Woofe! There was also a needlework teacher who was a real footballers wife - in more ways than one! I never knew so many lads want to take up a needle and thread in my life! : ) Hartleys, that was the name, he had a beard and was expert on all maner of STD's if I recall, don't know how the woman put up with him! : ) Drama teachers when I was there... hmmm, Mr Wood who resembled John Lennon and had a passion for running the New York Marathon and Mrs Ward who had a room next to the East Dining Room - painted totally black on the inside if I recall. The other drama room was up the stairs in the foyer, near to the dark room if I remember right. Mr Moxon was still the Art teacher when I was there - I would never have had him down as Head material so that has come as a surprise! He seemed a bit too rough around the edges, especially with his birds nest beard : ) He was a good teacher though I must admit and what he didn't teach me about perspective and how to unravel a film in a black bag tied around my wrists isn't worth knowing : )

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Went by the school recently and, as well as being called Myrtle Springs now, they have built something on the school fields. Does anyone know what it is. Looks like its cost a few bob! Noticed the East block is still standing, they used to say it was falling down 30 years ago, and the West block is still there and that was even older. What happened to the youth club, is it being used for something else now. That was a great place when it first opened, for those who can remember it had great facilities and even had a disco, with saloon doors and was dark inside like a night club!

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They used to have bizzarre things in there like Sponsored Darts Marathons and "Stay-Awakes" and stuff which just ended up in very sleepy, hyperactive teenagers doing strange things such as changing the letters around on the price board at the coffee bar to say weird things such as Arse Bars (Mars Bars), Nostrils (Minstrels), Milky Shame (Milky Way), Stripper (Striper - omg what ever happened to those??) and Small Geezer (Maltesers). It wasn't me.... honest, I just happen to be married to one of the culprits! : )

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i was also there from 72 -76 i hated every minute of it. i remember all the teachers you said lennonman . i was in mr crebors class and mr robson's who was the music teacher for most of my sentence there. mr houdmont and mrs smith were horrible heads of the girls and boys . i was very quiet at school just kept my head down and tried to get through it at quick as possible.:hihi:

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I was there from 1980 to 1984 - mostly against my will it has to be said! :hihi:


Is there anyone else willing to admit they were there too? :hihi:


Yep I was there too!


Must admit though, I had forgot most of the teachers names. Shameful. Can anyone remember Mr Carr? Little and fat with a bald head. At least I think that was his name. He was once my head of year, and liked to get all the girls in his office.



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