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The Penthouse Night Club 75 76


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Hey are there any old sorry, mature folk that remember the fun days of 75 and 76 in the Penthouse ? Have great affection for those days. Was studying for A Levels @ Ecclesfield School @ the time. Seem to remember Wednesday night was cheap drinks night, think it was 12 p for a drink, pint or a half. Best memory of the music was,Faith Healer,Long Version, by SAHB, Billy Porter, Mick Ronson,and a track called Leave It by Mike McGear ( Maccas younger bro, i think, )

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Slightly before my time but only slightly.

Don't know whether you've come across this site


There are some pics of the interior design of the Penthouse and although plenty of the pages and pics show people from the early 80's onwards you never know who you might recognise

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  • 3 weeks later...
In 75/76 the Penthouse was my first night club experience and I loved it. We also went to the Birdcage at Hoyland. Doubt if its still there?


Me and my owd mate Jed(still around sheffield)frequented both the penthouse and the birdcage 74/75 good nights out,we used to go there if we missed our lift out to the marquis of granby jigsaw disco in bamford,we walked back to lodge moor from hoyland one drunken night bye eck we were sober bi'time we gor ooam!!!!!!:hihi:

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  • 1 month later...

Eh, owd Dot I remember on the clockroom, and chilli burgers.


Those stairs though, really were like climbing Stairway to heaven,


Nights out started Wapentake, Nelson, Minerva, then on to Penthouse.


I was only 16/17 then & my Dad let me stay out on Saturday nights till 1am if I stayed in 2 nights in the week... but he used to think that I was going to the Top Rank, he considered it a respectable place....

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Those stairs though, really were like climbing Stairway to heaven,


Them stairs were deadly when you'd had a few pints. Great place though



Never drunk in those days, I still don't very much now. Went out last night till the wee early hours and didn'tn drink, I was the driver and when I am not driving still don't have any.


So those stairs didn't bother me then however they might now I i would probably need to rest several times going up, lol

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