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Hyram Wild Early days


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I worked at Hiram's in the late 70's. I remember Ernest Carr, Barry Campbell, John O'shaunessy, Johnny Barton, Dave Hammond Len, - whose surname I can't recall, Bernie Kimpton and Pete Hadley, who was married to my Aunt Shirley. I recall an elderly lady named Aggie who had to walk with a frame and often couln't make the toilet in time. She used to walk down the corridor with her bloomers hanging because they were full of S---. The working conditions were appaling.


:help:Did anyone work at Hyram Wild on Herries road (cutlery) in the early days as I have some photo's of workers possibly late sixty's or seventy's and would like some info please.
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Dear Tyward, One of my cousins-in-law worked at Hiram Wild, Herries Road. She gave me a some beautiful silver cutlery from there. She may have some photos. She's retired now and I don't know how long she worked there....during the 70s/80s period. Her name was Mary Baldwin and I can contact her if you want.

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My nan used to work at Hiram Wild till well into her 70's - Elsie Foster - if anyone remembers her - long time ago though. She eventually retired in the mid 80's. My grandad used to play in their tenpin bowling team and they won lots of trophies - Jack Foster.


Would be very interested to see any old photos to see if she is on any.

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I worked at Hiram's in the late 70's. I remember Ernest Carr, Barry Campbell, John O'shaunessy, Johnny Barton, Dave Hammond Len, - whose surname I can't recall, Bernie Kimpton and Pete Hadley, who was married to my Aunt Shirley. I recall an elderly lady named Aggie who had to walk with a frame and often couln't make the toilet in time. She used to walk down the corridor with her bloomers hanging because they were full of S---. The working conditions were appaling.


my dad worked at hiram wilds his name was len he was a grinder i think and i worked for hiram wilds but i worked at the other side of the road at latham and owens

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  • 9 months later...
I think that Hiram Wilds until recently belonged to an old guy who lived in Todwick called Harry Flowers.... Harry moved to live near his daughter in Chesterfield several years ago and he was in his mid 80's then so not even sure he will still be alive but I remember him telling me that HW's would have to go as there was no one in his family to carry it on?


Nah - David Hartley's dad bought Hiram's for him from John Wild... Last one of the family to own it - David ended up running what was left of the company into the ground... The death throes were horrible to see, and left many people who had worked there for all or most of their lives out of work...


Anyone on here work there in the last days???

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  • 5 weeks later...

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