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Sheffield -its alright and I like it.


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Great to see some people are patriotic but realistically speaking Sheffield under achieves greatly. Be it club scene, football, city development. Lived here all my life and I feel more sorry for the youngsters because there are not many amenities for them like when I was young.

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I grew up in Southampton and only moved to Sheffield 3 1/2 years ago. I love the place and have no plans to leave. The nightlife may not be as commercially as good as places like Leeds / Manchester, but there is a special atmosphere about our city - a spirituality if you like - that I don't believe these other places have.


I speak to so many people in the same situation as me -people who grew up elsewhere but have settled so much here that they have stayed - they can't all be wrong.

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Sheffield may not be as happening or buzzing as other Northern cities like Leeds, Manchester, Liverpool and Newcastle - but it's safer, greener and very comforting.


All the moaners should input the co-ordinates for Manchester into their sat navs and piddle off.

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