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Hitler v Bramall Lane


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Having recently been researching my family history, I've found that my grandparents lived at 304 Bramall Lane, not far past Lavers old yard/new flats. All the houses are long gone now, but I recently visited my cousin Joan, up in Keighley and she was telling me about St Wilfred's School (now Centre) being hit.


Joan would be around 7 at the start of WW2 and apparently lived with my grandparents for most of the war and vividly recalls the night the school was damaged. There apparently were tunnels from the local houses into the air raid shelters under the school (??). Joan was sitting on another cousin's knee (Reg was a flight sergeant in the RAF at the time so this incident would be before May 1943 when he was shot down) in the shelters listening to all the noise. She was worried that the school was being damaged, but Reg reassured her it would be fine in the morning and she'd be back at lessons. However, the school WAS damaged and she said it just looked like someone had used a big knife and sliced the roof off. I think that must be the uneven walls showing at the end of the building now.


Hope this helps a little bit caronlel



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