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Who Has Been On TV or Radio?

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I appeared on the BBC programme "Close up north" it was a documentary about UFO groups in Yorkshire and it was shown on BBC2 and everytime i see myself now i :blush: cringe lol.


So anyone else been on TV or Radio from the forum?

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I was on "Country File" once with college. Some woman came in and gave us a vegetarian talk on how bad it was to kill animals. All was going fine till I pointed out she was wearing a leather watch strap :lol: ... Of course, they cut that bit out of the TV programme.

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I once appeared in about 1978 on the kids sports show, Stopwatch. Peter Purvis presented it at the time, and I was struck by how short he was. I was an athlete, and a member of a sheffield decathlon squad who were featured this particular week. The closing credits happened to roll over a shot of me doing some weight training, and I felt like a movie star. Things went fine initally, but with every rehersal, I took more and more weights off the bar due to tiredness. The live show went out at about 5 o'clock, by which time I had a scrawny little girlie weight on each side. Half way through the credits I had to stop as I was knackered - the director was yelling "carry on, carry on!" but I stood there like a lemon.


I went back to school to face a full term of p**s taking.

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In the late eighties I was in the audience of the Bill Oddie show, I put my hand up to ask a question and to my surprise I was selected! Unfortunately, I got stage shock and my stuttered and badly organised question didn't make the final cut :lol:

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When I was very young in the US, because my aunt made a 'groundbreaking' portrait doll of me:blush:

Then in Sheffield - where the interviewer came out to a site unexpectedly. All the teens I was working with legged it, along with my workmates, and left me to it. The interviewer (Look North or Calendar, can't remember) prepped me beforehand, went through what he'd ask, etc, then completely abandoned what we'd practised and didn't edit the awful moments of my confused and perplexed silences out of it...too embarassing:lol:

Then Radio Sheffield came out to interview us for Apple Day. I was only helping, and was out with an old friend and all we could do was giggle at something the poor man had said...:lol:

Done a couple of other radio ones, but no problems, so not right interestin'

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I was on 'Hey Look That's Me' once in 1976.


My Dad was on 'nationwide' once in 77 when Starwars was in the news (he made gunsights on rebel alliance blaster rifles)


Tried to make a 'Get Stuffed' episode, but it never got off the ground (hash cookie recipe....)

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I was once on Radio Hallam, a follow up to something that I had bough for the Help a Hallam Child auction. My voice sounded very different.


Jon are you going to digitise your video and put it on a server somewhere so we can all have a laff:wave:

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