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Who here has posted while on holiday abroad?

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I know some of the members here live abroad, but I'm on holiday in a very hot island called Gozo (island off Malta) and I couldn't stay away!!! Does that make me sad?? Well I put it down to the fact that my parents live here and have the internet and I went out last night and put it this way didn't feel up to going out tonight (!) so thought I'd pop on here and see whats been going on in sheffield and the Uk while I've been away! So many posts to read! Anyway, has anyone else checked the site and posted while away??


I'm thinking of you all back at home though :lol:

Wow 1000 members now, how cool is that! :D

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Hello Lou!


No, I'm afraid not! Gotta keep up with the sheffield gos.


By the way, I was in an earthquake the other day! And I still managed to get online to check the forum!! I'm so rock and roll


lol :lol:

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