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Did anyone work at Tesco supermarket, in Hillsborough in the 1970's?

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I remember my first day at Tescos, I walked into the canteen and there was a bloke in a white overall making coffee from that frothy coffee machine thing. I thought he was the canteen bloke so I asked him to make me a coffee.


It was my first meeting with Stuart and he was a bit annoyed because I called him the canteen man so he grabbed me, took me out into the store room and held me upside down and banged my head into a big box of cat food :D

Then it was time for my first hanging up on an s hook in the fridge.

I spent more time hanging in that bloody freezer next to dead half pigs and sheep than I spent working!

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Yep Dot Parkin was the name and yeah reckon ya right was talk of an alleged association with Denny, ya pretty good with the old names fella. What did ya call that old battleaxe who was kind of in charge of cahiers, Anne ?? never smiled much !!!.. Do you also remember a girl who started work full time in mid seventies called Lorraine i think, now she was a minx !!!!!!

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Well from what I heared they were caught having it away a while after I left Tescos in 79 and there was a right stink.

Im struggling to remember the names, its burning my brain out.. I cant remember Annie- unless she was the blonde woman? curly blonde hair? I remember an Alana but Im not sure if I remember a Lorraine yet... Itll come to me though... I vaguely remember Lorraine and alarna now, come to think of it, I wonder if they were mates...? Alana pierced my ear in the car park of the Ball with a dart one night, I still have an ear ring in there to this day so Ill never forget her :D

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And I always thought he was Gay, he certainly had the mannerisms. I remember the Home and wear bloke but I cant remember his name, and I remember dot being a horrible snob- looks as if her morals werent as high as she wanted people to think they were!

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Are the lifts still there? I know its not a Tescos now but .. a Wilkinsons? There are two lifts near to the managers office, a large freight lift and a smaller passenger one, I used to have to lurk in the lift shaft at the bottom once or twice each week to clean it out.



If any of you go into that store now, and youre passing the lifts, have a quiet moment to yourself, stare at that small lift and think of old Jabberwock, crapping himself at the bottom of that lift shaft as the lift went up and down above him... The damn boss didnt have the heart to stop the lift from working, time is money and all that, so I had to work like a loony with the lift still moving, the health and safety people would have an orgasm these days.

The times I had to lay flat in the little pit on the floor because the lift came all the way down... god.

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  • 2 years later...
do any of you lot from tescos remember the new mall opening in 1979, I worked in gt leisuretime which was next door to prestos supermarket.

I remember a very tall guy from tescos used to come in our shop, he had very bushy hair, played rugby i think, he used to fancy one of my friends in leisuretime.:D:D, maybe its someone on here


I remeber them buildin it and we had to evacuate I think they found an old bomb or summat it were time of firemans strike and they turned up in green goddesses i think

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