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Sweet Shop On Bellhouse Road


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cant remeber the name i rember the shop tho old man & woman run it until it shut in the 80ts they used to sell 1 cigarette to the school kids on way to school the old wman used to make home made pies in the back room mmmm very nice 2 with a lashing of hendersons relish !!! best regards steve ...

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Do you mean "Golds"?


Family run business - little old lady and two oldish men (her sons). Closed several years ago after the younger of the sons retired.


They were converted terraced houses that have now been pulled down and new building has gone up in their place.

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Ha! the memory cells have clicked in! in the 60's it was Benson's sweet shop, I don't know if they were still the owners in later years though. Incidentaly, in the mid to late 50's, it was a model shop selling model aircraft, balsa wood etc, owned by a chap called Jack Lundy.

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Was it known just as Joe's.

or some mans name.

Remember that shop selling cigs to kids and also mrs Lids- next to concord park.

she even use to let kids smoke in there.


sad really , if they only realised the harm they were doing.

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Originally posted by little malc

Ha! the memory cells have clicked in! in the 60's it was Benson's sweet shop, I don't know if they were still the owners in later years though. Incidentaly, in the mid to late 50's, it was a model shop selling model aircraft, balsa wood etc, owned by a chap called Jack Lundy.

Before that it was a radio shop and i used to take my Gran's accumulator there to be recharged.
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  • 1 year later...
I remember it well, can't remember the flippin! name though, it wasn't Golds, they were at the top of Bellhouse just above junction with Hatfield House lane on the right. Nancy Gold used to work in the old bus enquiry office in Pond St.


Ha! the memory cells have clicked in! in the 60's it was Benson's sweet shop, I don't know if they were still the owners in later years though. Incidentaly, in the mid to late 50's, it was a model shop selling model aircraft, balsa wood etc, owned by a chap called Jack Lundy.


I'm afraid your memory of this shop is wrong.

The shop in question just above bellhouse road WMC WAS in fact Golds, it was run by Joe Gold and his sister did work for the bus company, the other shops next to golds were a hairdressers and woods, the newsagent.

I worked as a paper boy for woods and went into Golds at least twice a day.

In fact Joe used to let me leave my bike at the shop when going to school, (firthpark north building) There was also another women who worked for golds but I cannot remember her name, but she was a really friendly women.

Really sad its gone now. It was a really old shop, never modernised, in fact many items in the shop were donkeys years old. he also owned the terraced house next door and there were always a couple of morris minors on the drive, never saw them move though.

Hope this puts the record straight.

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  • 1 year later...
Ha! the memory cells have clicked in! in the 60's it was Benson's sweet shop, I don't know if they were still the owners in later years though. Incidentaly, in the mid to late 50's, it was a model shop selling model aircraft, balsa wood etc, owned by a chap called Jack Lundy.

bensons was just obove north quadrent on bellhouse road

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