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How long does a house take to dry out after flooding?

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Two or three days :hihi:


More like two to four months. I've been flooded twice since I made the original post (I'm using a different forum ID now). The first time was a river that flowed through the house for 24 hours reaching a maximum depth of ~10". That was July 2007 and it wasn't fully dried out until November.


Then I was flooded from above in December 2009 when a pipe burst in the attic and we were away, so the house filled up with water. We didn't get back into the house until July 2010. I don't remember the exact drying time, but it was two or three months.


Both floods were repaired by Halifax Insurance using professional dehumidifying companies.


I hope the OP's house has dried out now...it was 5 years ago... :D

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